Destressing Duel- Ahsoka Tano (Clone Wars) Pt. 2~ Trapped

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On the arid planet of Geonosis, Y/N and Ahsoka fought off some of the bug-like aliens alongside their masters in the caverns below the planet's surface. Once the area was clear, they all regrouped.

"Alright Snips, what do you say we go and confront the Geonosian Queen while those two keep fending off these things," Anakin said, pointing to one of the unconscious bug aliens on the ground.

Ahsoka nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

"No, it does not," Mace Windu said, stepping out in front of Anakin. "Do you really think that I'm going to allow you to be the head of negotiations with the Queen?"

Anakin rolled his eyes and smirked. "Oh, come on Mace, she won't be able to resist my charming personality."

Windu raised an eyebrow. "I'm coming with you, our Padawans will stay back."

"No deal. Snips comes with me," Anakin argued.

"With all due respect, Master Skywalker," Y/N chimed in, "I think Master Windu has a point. The Queen will most likely be more willing to negotiate with two authority figures there."

Anakin sighed and turned to Ahsoka. "Will you be fine with this pile of bantha shit?" he asked.

Y/N frowned. "Hey!"

Ahsoka laughed. "Yeah, I think we'll be fine."

Suddenly, the sound of an explosion coming from the entrance of the caverns startled everyone.

"We'd best get going," Mace said.

Anakin nodded and he and Mace ran off.

"So... what do you think that was?" Y/N asked, staring down the seemingly dark and endless tunnel towards the explosion.

Ahsoka shrugged. "I have no idea. It couldn't be good, though."

Suddenly, there was another explosion, bigger this time. Dust and little rocks fell from the ceiling of the caverns.

Y/N and Ahsoka drew their sabres, preparing for a fight. But then all was silent. They looked over at each other, confused, when without warning, there was one more explosion, the closest and biggest one yet. The cavern began to shake, and Y/N jumped out of the way as a chunk of the ceiling fell on where he had just stood. "They're trying to trap us in!" Y/N realized.

"Come on, let's go get our masters!" Ahsoka replied, beginning to run deeper into the caverns.

"No, Ahsoka, wait! We won't reach them in time, we'll be crushed and-oof!" Y/N tripped over a stone that jutted out from the ground. He groaned and looked up, noticing a loose boulder begin to fall right overtop of him. He gasped and made to roll out of the way, but he wasn't fast enough, and the boulder fell on his leg. He screamed out in pain, making Ahsoka stop and turn around.

"Y/N!" she exclaimed, rushing back to him. She grunted as she used the force to lift the heavy boulder off of Y/N's leg. She helped him up and supported him as she looked around at the collapsing caverns. "We need to get out of here!"

"It's no use, I'll just slow you down, leave me here!" Y/N exclaimed.

"I'm not leaving you, Y/N," Ahsoka assured him.

"Soka, above us!" Y/N warned, pointing to a section of unstable ceiling.

Ahsoka leapt with Y/N out of the way just in time, landing in a little chamber off of the main tunnel. The chamber was quickly blocked off by the falling rubble and a huge boulder.

"No!" she exclaimed. "Y/N, can you help me try and move this?" she asked.

Y/N nodded and held up his hands, using as much energy as he could muster to help Ahsoka try and lift the boulder from blocking the door. But it was no use, they only managed to make it wobble a bit.

"We're trapped," Y/N muttered, wincing as his injured leg throbbed.

Ahsoka knelt down and examined it. "It's definitely broken. But when we get out of here-"

"Don't you mean 'if'?" Y/N interrupted. "We can't move that boulder, so we have to rely on our masters to find us. And they're probably caved in too. Let's face it, Soka, we're not getting out of here."

"Don't say that!" Ahsoka argued. "There's hope, there's always hope."

"Hope won't provide us with more oxygen," Y/N pointed out.

Ahsoka opened her mouth to protest, but quickly shut it when she realized Y/N was right. They were going to stay trapped, and their oxygen would run out. She groaned and sat next to Y/N, who was propping his upper half up on the cavern wall behind him. They sat in silence for a moment before Y/N spoke up.

"Since we're most likely going to die in here, I feel like we should, like, confess our secrets or something." He picked up a rock and threw it at the boulder.

Ahsoka shrugged. "I guess."

"I'll go first," Y/N offered. "Hm... let's see... I don't really have any secrets, at least not to you... ah!" he perked up as he thought of something. "On my home planet, before my connection to the force was discovered and I was taken to Coruscant, I used to sneak into my father's lab at night. I'd take his night vision goggles and go out into the woods behind our home, where I would capture wild animals and bring them back to my room, to tame them. Of course, they always got out, and my parents would find them, and I'd pretend I had no idea how they got there." He chuckled. "Of course, my parents probably knew it was me, now that I think about it. What about you, Soka?"

"Me?" Ahsoka sighed. "I love you, Y/N."

Y/N's eyes widened, and he grinned. "What?"

"I know, I know, I shouldn't love you. Jedi aren't allowed to have significant others. That's why I never told you," she explained. "I didn't want you to go through the same daily torture I had to endure. Knowing I loved you, but I could never have you." She lowered her gaze.

But Y/N brought his hand up to her face and tilted it towards his. "I love you too, Ahsoka Tano," he whispered, before leaning in to kiss her. Ahsoka melted into it, and Y/N momentarily forgot all about the pain in his leg.

When he pulled away, he smiled. "These will be the best last moments of my life," he told her.

"Mine too," Ahsoka said, leaning in to kiss him again.

She gently got on top of him and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening their kiss. Y/N let his hands fall around her waist as she straddled him. She tangled her hands in his hair, and Y/N squeezed her waist, letting her know that he liked it.

The two were so engrossed in their little makeout session, that they didn't notice the boulder being lifted from the entrance of the chamber.

They heard someone clear their throat, and both Ahsoka and Y/N leapt to their feet. Y/N winced as he put weight on his bad leg, and leaned on Ahsoka for support.

"Master!" Ahsoka exclaimed. "You, er, found us!"

"More like I caught you." Anakin laughed. "Don't worry, I won't tell. Just be glad it was I who found you, and not Windu."

Y/N sighed in relief. "You have to understand, we thought we were going to die."

"Oh, I know. Now come on, we need to fix up that leg of yours, Y/N. Snips, help your boyfriend walk, would you?" Anakin joked.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and supported Y/N as they walked out of the caverns and into the bright arid surface of Geonosis.

"We can make this work, Ahsoka," Y/N whispered to her. "I want to be with you."

"I know. We will make this work," she promised, before helping him onto their ship and into the medical bay.

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