Urgent News- Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)

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Y/N burst into the waiting room to Oswald's office, where his secretary was busy filing her nails. She had urgent news, VERY urgent news, and it couldn't wait anymore. She had to tell him, and she had to tell him now.

"Sorry, Mayor Cobblepot is in a meeting, you'll have to pop in later," the secretary said in a monotone voice, not even bothering to look up.

Y/N cleared her throat politely and approached the desk. "I'm sorry, but don't you know who I am?"

The secretary paused for a moment and looked up. She looked over Y/N a few times before finally shaking her head, a bored expression on her face.

Y/N huffed. "I am the mayor's girlfriend!"

It was true, Y/N Maroni and Oswald Cobblepot have been dating for two years. She'd been with him through thick and thin. She betrayed her father, the great Don Salvatore Maroni, to be with him. She was with him when Galavan took and killed his mother. She fought for him when he was being taken to Arkham Asylum for the murder of Theo Galavan, which he didn't commit. She even stayed by his side when Hugo Strange brainwashed Oswald and turned him into an unrecognizable version of himself.

But now, all that was behind them, and Oswald was happily the Mayor of Gotham, his best friend, Edward, was the Chief of Staff, and he had a pretty woman by his side.

Y/N tried explaining herself to the secretary, but the woman wasn't listening.

"Look lady, I don't care if you're the Queen of Russia-"

"Russia doesn't have queens," Y/N corrected.

"Whatever. The point is, your sob story can wait, the mayor is busy."

"My sob story?!" Y/N asked, her anger rising. Her short temper was one of the less fortunate traits that she had received from her father. "I am not telling you a sob story! This is urgent business, I need to see my boyfriend!"

"If he's your boyfriend, won't he be home later?" The secretary asked.

"If I wait any longer, I'll change my mind, and I don't want to change my mind!" Y/N insisted.

The secretary scoffed. "Change your mind about what?"

"That's none of your business," Y/N told her with a firm stomp of her foot. "Now, if you won't let me in, I suppose I'll let myself in." She made to walk past the desk and open the door, but the secretary stood and blocked her.

"I can't let you in. Make an appointment."

"You can make an exception for me."

"No, I can't, the Mayor is in an important meeting."

"This is more important than his meeting! It's life-changing!"

"I highly doubt that."

"You just don't understand, you're single, aren't you? You seem single. And if you are, I can see why," Y/N snapped.

The secretary frowned. "Who are you to come in here and talk like this to me? Who are you to demand to see the most important man in all of Gotham? What makes you sooooo important, that you act like a bitch towards me?"

"I'M PREGNANT!" Y/N screamed, catching the secretary off guard.

There was a gasp from behind them, that had come from Oswald, who had heard their arguing and come out from his office to investigate, standing in his open doorway. The secretary stepped aside as his mouth dropped open.

"O-Oswald. Ozzy, my dear, I-I didn't want for you to find out this way," Y/N whispered, approaching him. But he held up his hand, stopping her.

He peered his head back inside his office. "Everyone, out!" he ordered and stood to the side as executives began filing out of the room. Once it was clear, Oswald took Y/N's hand and led her inside his office. "Hold my calls," he commanded the secretary before closing the door.

"Oswald, I'm sorry, I-I just didn't want to wait any longer, and-"

"How long have you known?" Oswald interrupted Y/N.

"I- erm, a few weeks," she admitted. "I noticed the signs a few weeks ago, but you were busy with Edward and Butch in the full swing of your campaign, so I didn't want to throw you off. I planned to tell you after you were elected, but I just kept putting it off for no reason other than I was afraid."

"Of what?" Oswald asked, hobbling closer to her.

She grimaced. "Your reaction. You've been so busy lately. I didn't want to be a burden."

"Y/N, my love, you will never be a burden," Oswald promised, taking her hands in his. "Neither will they," he added, placing his hand on her stomach where the baby was. She wasn't showing at all, but she would be soon.

Y/N smiled. "I'm so glad we're going to have a kid."

Happy tears pricked Oswald's eyes as he cupped Y/N's cheek in his hand. "We're going to have a kid," he repeated. "I'm going to be a father." His voice broke as tears began to fall. He began to laugh, and Y/N laughed with him. "This is the best moment of my life," he continued.

Y/N sat down in a nearby armchair, and Oswald perched himself on the arm, never letting go of Y/N's right hand. She sighed. "It's a shame they'll have to grow up without a family. My mother is who knows where; my father and your parents are dead. Hell, even that shitty stepfamily of yours is dead." The more Y/N thought about it, the more she grew worried. "Everyone who was ever close to us is dead. Maybe we shouldn't have this baby. It would be too painful for it to grow up in Gotham. God, Oz, maybe this was all a mistake."

"No!" Oswald protested. "You don't know what you're saying. We are having this baby. And it will have a family."

Y/N sniffed. "Who?"

"Are you forgetting fun Uncle Ed? Cool Babysitter Butch? Crazy Cousin Zsasz?" he chuckled. "Y/N they're going to help us through this. They'll support us. They'll support our child." He placed his other hand on her stomach again.

"I guess so." Y/N grinned. "Although, I may prohibit crazy Cousin Zsasz from seeing our baby, at least for the first month or two."

Oswald nodded. "Yeah. He would drop it, undoubtedly."

"Or give it a gun," Y/N pointed out.

The couple laughed over this and enjoyed the moment together. Oswald ended up taking the rest of the day off so that they could spend some quality time together, and make plans for the course of the pregnancy. They also had to plan out how they were going to break the news to the others...

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