Blackwater- Jonathan Crane (Batman Begins)

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𝑺𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

Y/N waited patiently for her psychiatrist. She had a new one this week. She wondered if they'd last more than ten minutes. The last one didn't. She loved playing mind games with them. Making them question their very existence. It was fun.

The door to the room opened. In stepped one guard; two guard; bingo. The new doctor who would cure her of her mental illness (that she didn't have).

He was not what Y/N was expecting at all. He wasn't old, and he wasn't in a bright white lab coat either. Instead, he had a crisp suit on, a sharp jawline, piercing blue eyes, and no wrinkles in sight. In fact, he was... kinda hot.

Y/N smiled to herself as the man sat down. He glanced back at the guards. "Leave us," he said.

"But, sir, this is Y/N. They call her Blackwater for a reason," one of them said.

The psychiatrist rolled his eyes. "If you want me to do the job I am getting paid to do, you will leave. Or perhaps you want to explain to your supervisor why he is paying me to do nothing."

The guard shook his head and he and the other left the room, leaving Y/N and the doctor alone.

"Hello... Blackwater. I'm Doctor Jonathan Crane, and I will be helping you today," he introduced himself. He extended his hand, but Y/N only stared at it with a smirk. So he continued. "Let's start off with a few questions. Like, why do they call you Blackwater?"

Y/N tilted her head to the side and chuckled. "First off, just call me Y/N. You have no reason to call me Blackwater... yet. Secondly, they call me Blackwater because just like a dark lake, I may seem calm and innocent at first glance, but under the surface... mmmmm you don't wanna know."

"Ah, but I do, that's why I'm here," he countered.

Y/N pursed her lips. She looked him up and down. He was exceedingly handsome. She didn't want to get rid of him quite yet, so she'd play along. She steepled her hands as she leaned back in her chair. "My mind is fine, doctor. It's just that, what's inside scares people, because I am different. I think that Gotham is better off without the majority of its citizens."

"Is that why in the past couple of years, you've killed over one hundred known residents of the city?" Jonathan asked, eyebrow raised.

"I didn't know there would be a test! What are my answer choices, doc?" she asked, leaning in closer.

To her surprise, he answered. "A: Yes. B: No." He leaned in so he was only a few inches apart from her. "Or C: Wouldn't you like to know?"

Y/N giggled. "I chose D: It's none of your fucking business what goes on in my mind."

Jonathan smirked. "That wasn't an answer choice, I'm afraid I'm going to have to deduct a point."

"Hey, no fair!" Y/N pouted, jutting out her bottom lip as she leaned back in her chair again.

"Let me ask you something else, a free response question," he continued, sitting back comfortably in his seat as Y/N made a face at him. "Why do you think Gotham is better off without its citizens?"

Y/N shrugged. "Not all. Just some. Many of the people I've met in this godforsaken city have tried to stab me in the back or blackmail me or hurt me in some way. So I decided to stand up for myself. Is that such a bad thing?" She questioned. "I was always taught in school that bullies need to be taken care of."

Jonathan chuckled. "By murdering them?"

"Well, they never told me HOW to take care of them," Y/N mumbled. She noticed she was beginning to sweat a bit from the stifling heat of the room, so she unbuttoned the top three buttons of her striped jumpsuit.

Jonathan watched her intently, making no attempts to hide his growing smile. "Did you ever have any loved ones, Y/N?"

"In what context? Like family, friends..."

"Boyfriends, perhaps?" he asked when she trailed off. She had realized he was no longer looking her in the eyes.

She leaned forward a bit to show off more of her cleavage as she answered, "Why yes, I have. In fact, one tried to kill me in my sleep when he suspected me of cheating. Needless to say, he failed, and lost his life in the process."

"How many boyfriends have you killed?" Jonathan whispered.

She thought for a moment. "Only the ones who have tried to harm me. The others who break up with me just lose their dicks. Literally, I chop them off," she said nonchalantly.

Jonathan felt his hand flit down to his member. He gently rubbed it. "And why is that?"

"If I am going to lose something I love, then they have to pay the same price. An eye for an eye, so to speak," Y/N explained. She noticed his arm moving ever so slightly and frowned. "What in the world are you doing? Are you listening to me? I'm telling you about my tragic romantic life! You could make a reality TV show out of it!"

"I don't think there are any reality TV shows where the main character murders everyone they dislike," Jonathan pointed out, slipping his hand inside his pants.

"Would you watch a show like that?" Y/N inquired.

Jonathan pursed his lips. "Maybe if you were the main character."

Y/N narrowed her eyes. "You know, this is getting really off-topic here. You seem distracted, what are you doing?" She leaned down to look underneath the table, but Jonathan got up and grabbed her arm. He threw her up against the wall and rubbed his hips up against her so she could feel his bulge.

"Listen, I'm the psychiatrist, not you. I may ask whatever questions and talk about whatever I want," he growled in her ear. "Sometimes, I even use some... controversial methods to elicit the response I want from my patients."

Y/N smirked, reaching her hands down to push his body flush against hers. "What kind of controversial methods?"

"Typically I use fear tactics, but I love to experiment. I could always try something else," he murmured. "I find that many women respond well to a handsome, dominant male. Are you one of those women?"

Y/N laughed. "Would you like to find out?" Suddenly, she closed the distance between them and kissed Jonathan passionately on the lips, tangling her hands into his hair as she pressed her hips against his bulge.

Jonathan was surprised at first, but then welcomed her, cupping her cheeks in his hands.


The two leapt apart and scrambled back to their seats as the two guards returned to the room. "Wow, Dr Crane, you lasted longer than the last guy did, I'm impressed!" one said.

Jonathan adjusted his position to hide his erection. "Is there any way I could spend a few more minutes with Ms. Blackwater? She and I weren't quite finished our... conversation."

The guard shook his head.  "Sorry, doc. Today was just the trial session. You'll have a full 45 minutes on Thursday. But for now, Blackwater needs to get to the mess hall. Lunch starts in a few minutes and we have a tight schedule to run here."

Y/N stifled a laugh as she watched Jonathan stand, a look of annoyance plaguing his features. "Well Y/N, see you Thursday." He strode out of the room as best he could without raising any awareness to the problem in his pants.

The guards then handcuffed Y/N after she waved to him. "Hey, hey, hey! Not so rough!" Y/N exclaimed as the cuffs chafed her skin.

"Shut up," ordered one guard before tazing Y/N. She lost consciousness and lay limply in his arms.

"Yeah, not so powerful now, are you, Bitchwater?" the other chortled.

They continued to make fun of her as they dragged her limp body down the hall. Little did they know that Jonathan Crane had overheard... Oh, where they in for a surprise.

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