You're Not Going to Die- Julian Alberts (CW The Flash)

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After Julian had moved back to England, he started his own Private Detective agency for Meta Humans to come to with cases. At first, he didn't do as well as he'd hoped because his knowledge of Metas was mediocre, at best.

That all changed after he hired his secretary, Y/N.

Y/N came from a family of Metas whose powers made them drive themselves mad. After seeing the effect that their powers had on them, Y/N (who fortunately did not develop any powers) decided she wished to help Metas in need. She joined up with Julian Alberts once she heard of his agency, and gladly agreed to be his secretary and provider of knowledge... for 40% of his cut, of course.

However, after a few months, Julian and Y/N began to develop feelings for one another and became an item. Y/N even moved into Julian's condo. He also made her more of a partner in his business and allowed her to come out into the field with him, which Y/N loved.

One night, Julian was messing around with a box in his pants pocket; he kept using his thumb to open and close it as he watched Y/N work from his desk in his office. She saw him peering through the window and waved. He smiled at her and shook his head playfully. Julian then moved his attention back to the small box in his pocket.

He noticed Y/N get up to use the restroom. When he was sure she was gone, he pulled the box out and opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring.

He had plans to take her to the zoo, her favourite place, and propose to her in the conservatory display

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He had plans to take her to the zoo, her favourite place, and propose to her in the conservatory display. He had a friend there who was going to release birds of paradise so she could watch them fly overhead.

Julian quickly stored the ring back in his pocket as Y/N sat back down at her desk. It was five minutes to closing, so he began to pack up when he suddenly noticed Y/N talking to someone. She then got up and opened the door to Julian's office. "Detective, I have a Mr Jakowski here to talk to you. It's urgent."

Julian sighed and sat back down. "Let him in."

A nervous-looking man who had tear stains all down his face stepped into the room. "H-h-hello good sir. My s-s-son, Jeremiah, has gone missing, and the police won't do anything about it because they d-d-don't deal with Metas. But they d-d-directed me to you. C-can you please help me?"

Julian pursed his lips and nodded. "Any idea where he would've gone?"

"I suspect he was t-taken. Here." Mr Jakowski handed Julian a picture. "This was in his room. I'd never seen it before, and it was crumpled up on the floor. It's not his, I think someone took him while I was at work and left this."

"I know that place," Y/N piped up. "It's the shipyard. C'mon!" she rushed out and grabbed her gun and coat from her desk.

"We'll find your son," Julian promised, following his girlfriend outside. She already had their Jeep up and running, so Julian hopped in and she drove them to the shipyard. Once there, they got out.

"There's a million hiding spots here," Julian muttered, looking around at all of the cargo containers and warehouses.

Y/N frowned. "Then let's split up. I'll search the containers, you start with the warehouses. We will find this kid."

Julian nodded and went in the opposite direction of Y/N. After a half-hour of searching, Julian had no luck with the first warehouse, although he found a few crates of military-grade guns, which he found strange. It could be a clue, he thought. He was about to dust the crates for prints when he heard Y/N shout. "Julian! Come help!"

He ran to her and found her struggling to open the doors of a large blue cargo container. "What's going on?" he asked.

"The kids, they're in here, I heard them!" Y/N exclaimed, grunting as the door wouldn't budge.

Julian listened, and sure enough, over Y/N's straining, he could hear the faint sounds of children yelling for help. "How much do you wanna bet Jeremiah's with them?" Julian asked, moving to help Y/N.

With their combined efforts, they managed to pry open the door to the cargo container, revealing twenty deformed children. "They're all Metas," Y/N whispered in shock. "Someone's been trying to traffic Meta children."

Suddenly, a few gunshots rang out across the shipyard.

"RUN!" Julian told the kids, and they scattered.

A few men dressed in military special unit armour appeared on top of some of the cargo containers. Julian and Y/N whipped out their guns and started shooting at them. They hit a few, but their armour was so thick that it barely did anything.

"Let's get out of here!" Julian exclaimed, grabbing Y/N's hand and pulling her along with him. Their jeep was in sight, and Y/N smiled. "We're going to make it! We have to go down to the Scotland Yard and- AH!"

The whole world seemed to slow down for Julian. A gunshot was heard, then a squelching noise as it went through Y/N's abdomen. She gasped and fell to her knees.

"NO!" Julian screamed, picking her up and carrying her the rest of the way to the Jeep. He laid her down in the back as he heard sirens approach them and the gunshots ceased.

"Babe, babe, please! Help is on the way!" Julian whispered, ripping off a part of his sleeve and pressing it on her abdomen to try and stop her bleeding.

"J-Julian," Y/N mumbled weakly, moving her hand to cup his face.

Julian gently smacked it away. "Conserve your energy," he commanded urgently. "Just don't move, help is coming!"

Y/N smiled sadly. "Julian, please-"

"No, no talking!"


He stopped talking and stared sadly at her.

"I love you so, so much," Y/N told him, tears streaming down her face.

Julian cried as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box. He held it up to her. "No Y/N, you can't die, you just can't!" He opened the box and showed her the ring.

"It's beautiful," she breathed.

"Y/N, will you marry me?" Julian sobbed, caressing her cheek.

Y/N gasped, whether it was from surprise or pain, Julian didn't know. "Y-yes, Julian, honey. Yes."

Julian's lip trembled as he slipped the ring on Y/N's finger. "You're not going to die, Y/N, you're not going to die! We'll get you patched up, and when it's all well and done, we'll have the grandest wedding you've ever seen."

Y/N admired the ring. She was no longer crying, just smiling sadly. "That sounds lovely." With that said, she exhaled and closed her eyes...

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