April Fools Male Reader- Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)

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Male Y/N.


Elixir of the Heart & Whispers of the Oasis

In the dimly lit laboratory, flasks bubbled, and cauldrons simmered. Yzma, the brilliant yet eccentric sorceress, hunched over her workbench, her wrinkled hands stirring a concoction that glowed an eerie shade of violet. Her assistant, Y/N, stood nearby, nervously adjusting his oversized goggles.

"Y/N," Yzma rasped, her voice like a rusty hinge. "Hand me the powdered newt's eye, will you?"

Y/N fumbled with the jar, nearly knocking it over. "Uh, right away, Mistress Yzma." He handed her the ingredient, avoiding eye contact. Y/N had always been a bumbling fool, but he admired Yzma's brilliance. Her wild hair, her sharp wit—it stirred something in him beyond mere admiration.

Yzma's eyes narrowed as she sprinkled the newt's eye into the bubbling potion. "Y/N," she said, her tone softer this time, "do you know why I keep you around?"

Y/N gulped. "Because I'm your loyal lab assistant, Mistress Yzma?"

She chuckled, a sound like distant thunder. "Loyal, yes. But there's more to it." Yzma leaned in, her eyes locking onto his. "You're different, Y/N. Not like the others. You have...potential."

Y/N's heart raced. Potential? He'd always felt overshadowed by his brother Kronk, the brawny palace guard. But here, in Yzma's lab, he felt seen.

"What kind of potential?" Y/N asked, his voice barely audible.

Yzma tapped her chin. "You're not just a bumbling fool, Y/N. You have a knack for mixing potions, for understanding the delicate balance of magic. And," she leaned even closer, "you're surprisingly easy on the eyes."

Y/N blushed, his freckles standing out against his pale skin. "Mistress Yzma, I—"

"—call me Yzma," she interrupted. "We're alone in this lab, after all."

He hesitated, then whispered, "Yzma."

She smiled, revealing teeth that were surprisingly white for someone so wicked. "Y/N, have you ever wondered why I've spent years concocting potions to overthrow Emperor Kuzco? It's not just about power. It's about love."

"Love?" Y/N blinked. "But you've never—"

"—loved anyone?" Yzma finished. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong." She gestured to the bubbling cauldron. "This potion, Y/N, is my masterpiece. It reveals hidden desires and unspoken truths. And tonight, I'll drink it."

Y/N's heart pounded. "What will it reveal?"

Yzma's eyes softened. "That I've loved you, Y/N. From the moment you stumbled into my lab, knocking over that shelf of vials. Your clumsiness, your loyalty—it's endearing."

"But I'm just—"

"—Kronk's brother?" Yzma chuckled. "Kronk may be strong, but you, my dear Y/N, have a different strength. A quiet strength."

As the potion simmered, Yzma poured two crystal goblets. "To us," she said, raising her glass.

"To us," Y/N echoed, his hand trembling.

They drank, and the room spun. Y/N's heart raced as Yzma's face blurred. And then, as if the universe conspired, their lips met—a kiss that tasted of magic and longing.

When they pulled away, Yzma's eyes sparkled. "Y/N, I've waited centuries for this."

He grinned. "Me too, Yzma."

And in that dimly lit laboratory, love bloomed—a love as strange and potent as any potion they'd ever brewed.

"I want to show you something," Y/N whispered, now not wanting to hide anything from her. Yzma complied and he led her out of the back door of the lab, out into the forest surrounding the kingdom.

The forest held secrets—lush, ancient, and veiled by emerald leaves. Y/N led Yzma through a winding path, the air thick with the scent of moss and wildflowers. The sun dipped low, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Yzma's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and Y/N's heart raced. He had never shared this place with anyone—until now.

"Where are we going, Y/N?" Yzma asked, her voice a soft murmur.

He grinned, glancing back at her. "To my secret oasis. A place untouched by time, where magic weaves through every leaf and stone."

Yzma's fingers brushed against his, and Y/N's pulse quickened. She wore a simple linen dress, her usual regal attire abandoned for the day. Her wild hair framed her face, and Y/N wondered if the forest had ever seen a sorceress so enchanting.

As they stepped into a clearing, Yzma gasped. Before them lay a crystal-clear pool, its waters shimmering like liquid moonlight. A waterfall cascaded down from a rocky ledge, creating a curtain of silver. Birds sang, and fireflies danced in the fading light.

"It's beautiful," Yzma whispered. "How did you find this place?"

Y/N hesitated, then decided to share his truth. "I stumbled upon it years ago, lost in the forest. The water called to me, and when I swam here, I felt...alive."

Yzma's eyes softened. "Alive," she repeated. "I've spent centuries chasing power, Y/N. But perhaps life lies in moments like these."

He extended his hand. "Shall we?"

Together, they waded into the pool. The water was cool, refreshing against their skin. Yzma's laughter echoed, and Y/N felt lighter than air. They swam toward the waterfall, its mist kissing their faces. Y/N glanced at Yzma, her eyes closed, lips curved in bliss.

"Yzma," he said, treading water. "I've always admired your brilliance, your determination. But here, away from potions and plots, you're more than a sorceress. You're—"

"—a woman?" Yzma finished. "Y/N, I've hidden my vulnerability for so long. Love was a weakness, or so I believed."

He moved closer, the waterfall's roar drowning out their words. "And now?"

Yzma's gaze met his. "Now, I'm not so sure." She leaned in, her lips brushing against his. Y/N's heart soared as their kiss deepened—a promise, a revelation.

When they broke apart, Yzma's eyes held a question. "What are we, Y/N?"

He cupped her face. "We're two souls who found solace in each other. Maybe love isn't weakness—it's our greatest strength."

And then, beneath the waterfall, they kissed again. Water droplets clung to Yzma's lashes, and Y/N tasted the sweetness of shared secrets. The world faded—the palace, the potions, even Kronk's bumbling antics. There was only Yzma, her lips against his, and the whisper of the oasis.

As night fell, they lay on the mossy bank, their fingers entwined. Stars peeked through the canopy, and Y/N traced constellations on Yzma's skin.

"Y/N," she murmured, "what if we're caught? What if Kuzco—"

"—Kuzco can keep his throne," Y/N said fiercely. "This is our sanctuary. Our love."

Yzma's laughter danced through the trees. "Our love," she repeated. "I never thought I'd hear those words."

Y/N kissed her forehead. "Well, get used to them, Yzma. Because I plan to say them every day."

And so, in the heart of the forest, beneath a waterfall that sang of eternity, Y/N and Yzma whispered promises. Their love, like the oasis, would remain hidden—a secret more potent than any potion.

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