Spell Fiasco- Raven (Teen Titans 2000s)

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As requested by Dragonsw! Male Y/N.

Y/N smirked at the crowd of children and their parents that gathered around his stand at the park as he took his top hat off and placed it on his table. He reached inside and procured a nine of spades. "Is this your card?" he asked.

The little boy in front of him gasped and tugged on the bottom of his mom's dress. "Mommy. Mommy! That's my card! Look Mommy my card!"

"Yes, yes, I see." She chuckled and took a twenty out of her wallet, giving it to Y/N. "Thank you for making his day. He just got his tonsils removed yesterday and was feeling kind of down."

"No problem, ma'am. Here." Y/N reached into his pocket and procured a stuffed Flamingo. "Take this as well."

The little boy grabbed it and hugged it tight. His mom tapped him on the shoulder. "What do you say, honey?"

"Thank you, Mister!" The boy exclaimed.

He and his mom walked away and the rest of the crowd moved closer. But Y/N held up his hands. "Sorry folks, but it's time for me to pack up for today. But don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow!" He flourished his cape and a bunch of doves fluttered over them. The kids chased after them and the parents in turn chased after their kids.

Y/N packed up after another successful day and headed home. He had always had a knack for magic since he was a child. It was actually his girlfriend (who was also a magician... of some sort) who recommended he make a career out of it. And Y/N was glad that he did because people loved his tricks, especially the children. Y/N took pride in knowing he made so many kids smile all because of his craft.

He arrived back at his apartment and unlocked the door. As soon as he entered, Y/N knew he wasn't alone. There was an eerie humming coming from his bedroom, an all too familiar noise. Y/N put down his things and took off his top hat and cape before making his way to his bedroom.

On his bed, he saw a gaping black hole, and floating above it was a cloaked woman who was quietly humming a chant as her two pairs of eyes glowed red. Ordinarily, someone walking into this sight would be terrified and likely call an exorcist. But Y/N knew it was only his girlfriend, Raven.

"Darling, I'm home," Y/N said, and Raven's chanting stopped.

The portal beneath her closed and she softly landed on the bed. Her second pair of eyes disappeared and the glowing subsided. She removed the hood of her cloak and smiled. "Good day?" she asked as he sat down next to her.

"Always." Y/N leaned over Raven and kissed the ruby-red gem that was embedded into her forehead. "You're so cute, like my very own little fun-sized demon girlfriend," he teased.

Raven rolled her eyes as she chuckled. "Ha, ha, very funny. I love it when you tease me after I grace you with my presence."

"And I love your sarcasm," Y/N told her. "Why are you here, anyway? Normally you call before stopping by."

Raven stood and held out her hand, conjuring up a spellbook. She flipped to a page and flipped it around so Y/N could see.

He scratched his head. "Darling, you know I can't read runes."

Raven raised an eyebrow and pointed to a picture on the next page. "Look at the illustration, dumbass."

Y/N shot her a cheeky grin before examining the picture. It depicted a man standing tall and proud, then an arrow that pointed from the man to a tinier version of him that was now significantly less confident. "A shrinking spell?"

She nodded and placed the book aside. "I want to learn it, and I think I have it just about perfected."

"Well, how am I supposed to help?" Y/N asked. "I use smoke and mirrors, none of what I do is real. Meanwhile you... I mean, your magic is amazing."

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