Impromptu Bouquet- Daphne Blake (Mystery Incorporated)

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Male Y/N.

Y/N and the rest of the Mystery gang snuck into the greenhouse in the dead of night. It was dark, eerie, and ominous... not that Y/N minded. Shaggy and Scooby may have been scared silly, but Y/N loved mystery-solving. When his best friend Fred had asked him to join with a few of his other friends from high school, Y/N was thrilled. He loved how each and every mystery was different. Like today, they were looking for a supposed vampire who was making a potion of youth. One of the ingredients the vampire needed was a flower that was found in the greenhouse.

But there was one more thing that Y/N loved about mystery solving. And it was Daphne Blake. She was the most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen. She was smart, funny, and extremely resourceful... not to mention she knew all sorts of random skills that came in handy at random times. Daphne was also very independent, which Y/N loved about her. He loved a woman who had confidence in herself.

The one thing that bothered Y/N was her obsession with Fred. Daphne was desperately in love with the head of Mystery Incorporated... at least she thought she was. But Fred was more concerned with his traps at the moment. He had been very dismissive of Daphne lately, and Y/N couldn't help but feel bad at seeing her so upset. But he also knew that this was his opportunity to swoop in and say something. He just didn't know what to say, let alone how to say it.

The gang stood at the entryway of the greenhouse. They looked around. It looked bigger than Y/N remembered.

"Alright gang, let's split up and look for clues!" Fred exclaimed, a huge grin on his face.

"I call Shaggy!" Velma stated, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.

Shaggy laughed nervously. "Oh... great. I guess we should get going, then."

"Not rithout me yer not," Scooby huffed, pushing his way in between the two.

Fred sighed as the trio begrudgingly walked off into the darkness of the greenhouse, their path illuminated only by their flashlights. "Please remember the task at hand!"

"Poor Shaggy, having to choose between his best friend and a girl," Daphne commented.

Y/N shrugged. "Everything will blow over."

Fred nodded. "I agree. It has to! Mystery solving is too important for relationship drama like this."

"Yeah..." Daphne chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, I'm gonna go set some traps, just in case the vampire is here. Holler if you find something!" Fred told Daphne and Y/N before following the others into the darkness.

"I guess that just leaves you and me." Y/N smiled at Daphne.

"Yeah," she sighed dejectedly.

"Hey, don't sound so disappointed," Y/N joked.

Daphne shrugged. "I'm sorry. I'm not disappointed. It's just... well, let's go." Daphne began to walk away, and Y/N scrambled to catch up with her.

"It's just what?" Y/N asked, scanning the plants with his flashlight.

"Hm?" Daphne mumbled.

Y/N smirked. "You said 'it's just'. It's just what?"

"Oh! Oh. That. It's nothing," Daphne insisted.

"It doesn't seem like nothing," Y/N countered.

Daphne sighed. "It's not. I want Fred to notice me," she admitted.

"He does notice you," Y/N said, picking a few daisies.

"Not in the way I want him to notice me. He's more concerned about his traps than he is about me. Than he is about any of us." Daphne stopped walking and examined a rose on a nearby bush.

"I get it." He grabbed a few daffodils.

"No offence, but I don't think you do, Y/N. I don't think you understand what it's like to be so close to the one you love each and every day but not be able to tell them how you feel." She continued to walk down the path.

Y/N picked the rose Daphne had been looking at before following her. "Believe me, I understand the feeling more than you think."

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? With who? I mean, you only ever hang out around us. Unless you have a secret life..."

Y/N laughed as he grabbed some chrysanthemums. "Ironically, even though I'm a part of Mystery Incorporated, my life is no mystery. I am only ever with you guys or at my house."

Daphne thought for a moment. "It's not Velma's friend, Hot Dog Water, is it?"

Y/N stuck out his tongue, finding a few posies. "Absolutely not."

"Phew, good. Is it Velma? Because she's taken," Daphne pointed out.

Y/N shook his head, ripping off a piece of vine from a nearby tree and wrapping it around the flowers.

"But Y/N, you don't know any other-oh!" Daphne turned around to see Y/N holding out his impromptu bouquet to her.

"It's you, Daphne. But you're always so tied up with Fred, so I never got an opportunity to tell you. Now that we're alone, I just figured now was my chance," Y/N told her.

"Y/N... I had no idea," Daphne admitted.

"What do you mean, Daph? I've shown my love for you so many times!" Y/N stated. "When you got sick from eating shrimp at your sister's wedding, who held your hair back as you vomited in the toilet?"

Daphne turned red at the memory. "You did."

"When Fred ditched you at prom to go work on his traps, who danced with you instead, even though he has two left feet?"

"You did," Daphne said with a small smile.

"And when Shag and Scoob played that prank on you last Halloween at school, ruining your clothes as well as humiliating you, who was the only one who came to your defence AND took you shopping at the mall afterwards?"

"You did," Daphne realized. She took the bouquet and smelled the flowers. "Oh Y/N, this is so sweet! I was so blind before, I didn't realize how much you cared!"

Without hesitation, she leaned in and kissed Y/N. His eyes widened, but then he wrapped his arms around her waist and melted into the kiss. He walked her off the path, blindly searching for a wall or a tree to push her up against. But since neither were looking where they were going, they didn't notice that they were stumbling right into one of Fred's traps.

"Jeepers!" Daphne exclaimed as a rope wrapped around her ankles and hoisted her in the air, ripping her away from Y/N, and making her drop the bouquet.

"Daphne! Are you alright?" Y/N asked, looking for a way to cut her down.

Daphne huffed as she dangled from a tree, upside down. "FRED!"

"Don't worry, he must've heard his trap go off. In the meantime..." Y/N moved Daphne's hair out of her face and began to kiss her once more.

Daphne giggled into it and brought her hands to the back of his head to bring him closer. Y/N leapt away as soon as he heard footsteps coming from either side of them. Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma burst through the bushes on the right as Fred came into the clearing from the left. "My trap went off! I must've caught- DAPHNE!" he gasped.

Fred quickly cut her down, and Y/N caught her in his arms before she hit the ground. "Thanks," she whispered as Fred began apologizing profusely.

"Don't worry about it," she told him. "Now come on! We'll never catch the vampire just standing here. Let's go, Y/N." She gestured for him to follow her back to the greenhouse path.

"What's gotten into her?" Shaggy asked.

Velma adjusted her glasses. "Yeah, normally she'd be furious if she was caught in one of Fred's traps."

Y/N shrugged. "Maybe it's something in the air," he suggested before picking up the bouquet and going to rejoin Daphne.

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