I'll Never Leave You- Bo Katan Kryze (The Mandalorian)

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As requested by wandering_samurai! Male Y/N.

Bo Katan lounged on her throne, one leg up as she studied her son. Garris Kryze was in his early twenties, tall, and held a striking resemblance to his father. Even with his black and blue Mandalorian armour on, he stood like his father.

Bo Katan's mind drifted to him.


She hadn't seen him for months now, as he had been on a mission searching for any Mandalorians who would return and join their cause. But the search was fruitless anymore. But there were none that would fight with them.

And Bo was beginning to think Y/N had left as well. But he wouldn't leave his son? Would he?

"Mother. Mother!" Garris exclaimed.

Bo Katan blinked back to reality. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, no, I heard a ship land outside. Do you think it could be father?" he asked.

She stood and readied her blaster. "It could be... but I'm not sure. Ready yourself just in case."

Garris nodded, pulled out his custom-made shock stick, and ignited the current.

The pair stalked toward the doors and waited for whoever it was to open them. The doors creaked open slowly, and in stepped:

"Y/N!" Bo Katan gasped, immediately putting her blasters away.

He strode over to her and wrapped her in a strong embrace. "My love, I've missed you," he whispered into her hair.

After a moment he pulled away from her and approached Y/N. "And you, my son... have you been getting taller these last few months?"

"Father, I'm already grown, I'm an adult," Garris reminded him.

Y/N chuckled at this. "Yes, yes, I know. It's just been a while."

"Yes, it has," Bo Katan agreed. "Why were you gone for such a long time?" she asked, returning to her throne.

Y/N walked with her. "Bounty hunters. Apparently, they increased the reward for bringing in the remaining Jedi from the order. Since I left to be with you, I thought I wouldn't count, but I was wrong," Y/N explained. "I was chased from planet to planet by this group of hunters, and I didn't want to lead them to you and Garris, so I ran further from our home. I finally managed to dispose of them at Halthor."

Bo Katan sat and looked up at Y/N with an almost unreadable expression. Garris resumed his position next to his mother and looked over at Y/N with the same face.

Y/N raised his eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "I know exactly what that look means," he told them, leaning over Bo Katan until he was only inches from her face. "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times, love... I'll never leave you," he reminded her before closing the gap between them and kissing her.

Bo kissed him back, wrapping her arm around Y/N's neck. He lifted her by her waist so she was standing again and could press their bodies closer together.

Garris scoffed and shielded his eyes with his hand. "Really? We have rooms for this."

Bo Katan pulled away from Y/N and slapped his face, surprising him. "I was so worried," she said flatly.

Y/N rubbed his jaw and was about to respond when Bo Katan pulled him in for another long, passionate kiss.

Garris rolled his eyes and turned around so his back was to them. "Seriously. SERIOUSLY."

"We're making our son uncomfortable," Bo Katan muttered with a smirk.

"So what?" Y/N asked. "Who knows? Once we build up our army once more, maybe he'll have someone of his own."

"Doubt it," Garris huffed. "I don't want to look like you two."

Suddenly, the sound of a ship could be heard from outside landing on the platform outside of the castle.

"Shit," Y/N grumbled, rushing over to the window. "I thought I got rid of all of them!"

"Bounty hunters!" Garris exclaimed, once more drawing his shock stick.

"No," Y/N told him. "You two stay here. I'll draw them away-"

"Stop," Bo Katan interrupted, placing her hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You're not leaving us again. We're going to fend them off together, as a family." She smiled sweetly at Y/N and he quickly caved.

"Yes!" Garris exclaimed, restarting his shock stick. "Finally, some fun! N-not that hanging out with you isn't fun, Mother."

"No no, I see your point," Bo Katan agreed, readying her blasters. "You ready, Y/N?"

Y/N ignited his lightsabre blade and held it in front of him. "You know I am."

They didn't have to wait long before the doors to the castle were blasted open and a mob of Trandoshans came rushing inside, guns ablaze.

"Father, throw me!" Garris yelled as he leapt into the air.

Y/N used the force to fling Garris into the group of lizard people. Garris landed on one of them and used his shock stick to bludgeon two others.

Bo Katan ran to Y/N and he allowed her to leap off of his back and launch herself into the air. She used her jetpack to fly over the Trandoshans, shooting at them from above.

Y/N followed them into the fray, wielding his lightsabre like an expert chopping off many of the Trandoshan's limbs and a few of their heads. He saw one of them leap up and try to swat at Bo Katan, but it missed, and when it fell back down, Y/N positioned himself underneath it so it impaled himself on his blade.

"Y/N, look out!" Bo Katan exclaimed, pointing behind him.

Y/N turned around, but he wasn't fast enough. The Trandoshan swatted his lightsabre out of his hand, causing his wrist to bleed. Y/N clutched his wrist and held it to his chest as the Trandoshan kicked him down. Just as the Trandoshan was about to strike Y/N's throat, he was electrocuted and fell to the ground steaming.

Garris turned off his shock stick and smirked. "Wow Father. You pissed off some ugly aliens."

Bo Katan chuckled. "Well, Garris, if you wouldn't mind cleaning up those ugly aliens, I need to patch up your father's arm."

Garris sighed. "Oh, the cleanup is the worst part," he mumbled, picking up one of the dead lizard people and slinging it over his shoulder.

Bo Katan helped Y/N up and kissed his cheek. "Geez, where'd you learn to fight?"

Y/N scoffed jokingly. "Alright, alright, come on."

The pair laughed as Bo Katan led Y/N to heal his arm, happy to be together again.

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