Chapter 57. Sansa's On Trail for Murder.

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So, Serena and Sango talked about her old life and what Sansa was like her whole life, how badly she bullied her as a pup or even as an adult, and she did try to kill her.

Sango told her she shouted like a witch. As she nodded. As they arrived on time to the Trail Inuyasha and the other Alphas and wolves were standing by to decide the rightful punishments for them all together. The Elyison pack was facing serious charges. 

So, Inuyasha asks all the questions.

"Do you admit it? Asked Inuyasha, " Seriously. "Oh, so she's an Alpha now, Scoffed Sansa," trying to talk shit.

"Do you admit it? Asked Inuyasha, " Cutting her off. "No. Darien made me do it, I told him that it was a bad idea, said Sansa, " lying through her teeth.

"I'd never do that...! it was your orders to use wolfbane on the girl...! Said Sansa," lying again.

"She's lying, again, Serena, please believe me, I know you don't have a lot of trust left in me, but I would wish for your death, not even if I couldn't have you, I am not Naraku...! I didn't try to kill you...! she's lying, Said Darien" seriously.

As the judges looked at the Mate of Inuyasha. "Mrs. Tsukino, can you tell the court what you're thinking right now? Asked the head judge.

"He's not lying, he is a jerk, he loves himself a little too much and thinks to highly of himself, he is a pampered Poodle like I have said before he has no instinct, he is no wolf, not a real one anyone, he doesn't have it in him to murder or kill or get his hand dirty, but Sansa and her wolf Cersei would gladly kill others to get what they want, especially for top prize of being the packs Luna, so I know he is not guilty of those charges she is lying about, he guilty of a lot of charges but this isn't one of them, Darien, I believe you....! I know she is lying she has never been a friend to anyone, she is cruel, she is mean to others, she has abused the staff and not just me considering there were other maids that were my friends growing up, and she burned one of them alive, and the other two she allows rouge to tare them a part, I read her mind, I can see it all of it, and I know also from some of the girls in the pack once told me years ago, after Rita was killed Andrews mate Thorin's brother's wife was killed because Sansa, she wanted to fuck him, before she started fucking our head Alpha Darien of the pack, after his father passed away of course and this led everyone to know who the next leader was, so she set her sights on being Luna and she'd make it happened and she made all of our lives miserable ever since for all servants who didn't have status or weren't seen as if they had value, I should know she reminded me every day of my life that I was a nobody and that we are just slaves and that's it we have no value in life, that's what she use to tell us, so I know enough dirt on her and she is guilty of many things, so she did intend on poisoning me, it was all her own plans to get rid of me, the girl who stood in her way of getting to the very top of the hill, she didn't want Darien, he was small potatoes according to her way of thinking, she wanted Inuyasha the king of the hill, the top Alpha of the world and richest Alpha around, Say's Serena" announcing it.

As this forced everyone in the room to look around and talk amongst themselves.

As this forced Sansa and Darien to look at her. And Serena laid out all of the crimes Sansa was a part of and what she did to others behind closed doors and those who she did murder in cold blood, but no one ever said anything, as Serena gave a list of wolves and she-wolfs mostly who were murdered and no one ever came forth because they were scared.

As a few wolves enter the room and come on behalf of Serena's summons, they tell the truth and confirm Serena's statements and testimony it was true. 

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