Chapter 50. Reunited with her parents for the first time.

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So. Inuyasha was under the impression that Serena wasn't being true to him. And accused her of something that she did was wrong when she didn't do it on purpose. So, when he accused her, she accused him right back and pointed out he was doing the same thing to her.

So, this force them both to look a little deeper within and accept they were both in the wrong here. But the time they were done talking, he only had this to stay to her, and she said to him.

"So, you don't care that you waged a war for a nobody? A rogue? Asked Serena, " doubting herself a little bit, she still didn't see why he wanted to stay with her.

"Serena, I told you before none that stuff matters to me, I don't care, but Serena, Said Inuyasha," honest with her. And then kissed her forehead and then chose to tell her the truth.

"Serena, you're not a nobody, not to me, you're everything that I want and more, spoke up Inuyasha," honest with her.

As she hugged him, she was glad that he had forgiven her. As he did hug back happily that she was alive.

So, let's continue where I left off at enjoy.

So, as few days passed, she healed and was told that she could go home now. She was being released from the hospital.

Sango picked out something nice for her to wear and had Inuyasha give it to her to change into when they left the hospital. 

So, she did put on the other clothes that he brought with them. They did look nice.

She and Inuyasha exited the hospital and went down to his car.

As they were driving through the city, it was just like the first night he brought her home. She was remembering it.

As she smiled and looked to her right, she looked at Inuyasha. He did smile back at her.

As she looked back out the window and realized this wasn't the way to go home. "Wait, I thought we were going home. Inuyasha spoke up Serena, " Seriously.

"Not just yet, I've got a big surprise for you," said Inuyasha, smiling at her. 

As Serena turned happy and excited and shouted out happily.

"Fried chicken and views of the city or other sights to see new places to view? Asked Serena" curiously and excited. Inuyasha shook his head.

"Better, Said Inuyasha," telling her this. As he smiled happily at her. As she smiled right back at him as they now held each other's hands. 

Meanwhile, on the other hand. As Yue and his mate were told what Inuyasha found. They were nervous, and he was bringing her to dinner to meet some very important people. 

"Kenji, my beloved, I wonder what she'll look like? do you think she'll remember us? Asked Ikuko, " trying to be hopeful. 

As she sat there with her mate. "It was 17 years ago, she was just a baby she was so young, Said Yue" comforting her. As she led into his body, they held each other close. 

As Inuyasha and Serena arrived at this fancy restaurant and walked inside. Serena wondered what he was up to.

But then they walked up to a table, and two other wolves were sitting much older wolves, in fact. 

As they looked up at her and Inuyasha. "Oh, God," said Ikuko," surprised.

"You, You, You, You're our Serena? Stated Yue" surprised. Serena looked confused as she looked at Inuyasha, and she wasn't what was going on. 

"You got so big, I mean and beautiful, look at you, Said Yue," honestly stun seeing her after all these years. 

Serena was confused as to why they were so emotional. As the she-wolf next to this older wolf led forward and touched Serena as she started to cry. 

"I don't understand," said Serena, confused with their reactions to meeting her. 

Serena...! Calm down...! and breathe for a second, Say's Inuyasha" gently. As the other two tried to be settled and calm. 

"Serena Meet your parents, The Alpha and Luna of Sliver Moon Yue or some known him as Kenji and his Luna Ikuko Tsukino, your mother and father, Said Inuyasha" introducing her to them. 

As Ikuko had tears in her eyes, looking her over. "Wait, so you're saying that...! As Serena tried to word this out. But Inuyasha spit it out for her.

"You are the next Alpha of Sliver Moon kingdom's pack. You're Serena Tsukino, Alpha, Say's Inuyasha," telling her the truth.

As this shook Serena to her very core and she looked stunned like she was speechless, and she had no idea what to say. But what will she say when the shocking truth wore off? and she was able to speak again. 

So, To Be Continued on Chapter 51.

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