Chapter 43. At the Hospital and Inuyasha's Wants to wage war.

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So, On Inuyasha's side, he was hurting. But on Sansa's side, she only sees how Darien is behaving and how scared he is. His Beta confirmed that she was poisoned with wolfsbane.

So, Darien was panicking and worried about her life. He wanted to take her to ER right away, but Thorin told him that if they took her in the sliver, Fang would attack them. The peace treaty was on the line. and then he was attacked by a wolf.

As Darien was getting stressed out but then he started looking around. But then he picked Serenity up into his arms, and Sansa just walked out of the room pissed off.

As Darien placed her on the couch at least and he was worried about her truly.

"Alpha, please, the peace treaties on the line, Alpha, we can't," said Thorin, " honestly.

As Darien looked heard a sound. The next thing Alpha Darien knew was that he was being attacked by a wolf. As it house got broken into by none other than Inuyasha's own wolf.

He came charging in and attacked Darien in his human state...! of course, Darien managed to push him back a bit and he turned into his wolf form and this caused them to fight but then Inuyasha knocked his ass out.

As the wolf growled and he knew something was wrong, his wolf knew that she was in trouble. Until the wolf tried to calm down, and it returned to being none other than Inuyasha's humanly state form.

"Alpha, Darien...! Yelled out Thorin," worried. As Inuyasha pushed his beta out of the way.

Thorin went nighty night for a while. As he calmed down for now but then looked down at Serena on the couch, she was barely breathing.

"Serena! called out Inuyasha, " worried about her. As she wasn't moving.

Inuyasha wasted no time he picked her up into his arms and brought her to his car, and he speeded through the city until he got her to the hospital right away. As the doctors took right away.

As the lights went on overhead as they looked her over.

As Inuyasha couldn't calm down, he was pasting back and forth nervously and scared, waiting to hear the results, but this was bothering him, and it scared him.

As he kept feeling all kinds of feelings worried and scared being two of the feelings, a lot of fear was running all over him. As he was stressing, and he was trying his hardest to believe she'd be alright.

The next thing he knew, the doctor came out. As Inuyasha ran up to him. "How is she? is she gonna live? Asked Inuyasha, " Really worried.

"Alpha Inuyasha, I'm sorry we're trying everything we can, but you know what wolfsbane does to a wolf, Said the Male-wolf doctor.

"No, no, this can't be happening," says Inuyasha, " terrified of losing her. As he placed his hands over his face.

"I'm afraid the Luna won't make it, I'm terribly sorry, Alpha," said the doctor. 

He gently tried to comfort him for a second but then walked away from him.

As Inuyasha was left alone in the hallways. As Inuyasha sat down and he felt like he failed her. Her life was fading fast, and the doctors were trying. As Inuyasha sat on the floor and he did feel tears falling. 

As his mind went to think the moment, his heart was having major flashbacks. he met her. the moment he realized that she was his and he brought her home with him, how her face lit up over something so simple as fried chicken. 

his mind was thinking about all of it there first kiss with each other and everything else they'd been through since she came to live with him and she accepted him as her mate and she didn't reject him, and every time se smile it made him feel something good inside himself, and the enjoyment of it all. her smile, it always made him feel happy.

And now she is struggling to make it through this. As he wanted to wage war, there was no way they'd get away with this. As Inuyasha was just sitting there on the ground worrying and feeling all mixed feelings between rage and sadness. As Miroku approached him. 

"Beta, Said Inuyasha" seriously. As Miroku looked down at him. "Wage war on Elyison, for the poisoning and murder of my Luna, Serenity, I will have blood for blood, I am going to war with Darien, he tried to kill my mate, and they'd are gonna pay for it...! we are going to war...! Said Inuyasha" giving the order and he was pissed and his eyes he wasn't turning back now.

He meant every word. As Miroku looked at him seriously. They both stood there in the hospital, and Inuyasha was ready to go to war now. Now, they forced his hand. He would not take this sitting down. 

So, what will happen next? Will our brave new wolf be able to beat it? Will she be able to come back? Who knows. To be continued tomorrow on chapter 44.

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