Chapter 2. The Second Pack?

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Now on the other side more towards the woods and mountains. The Sliver Fang Pack. And it's new Alpha in charge is none other than Inuyasha himself after his father's passing it turn to him. He had yet to find his own maté. But we will get into that soon. 

 As Inuyasha was sitting at his desk writing things down when the old leader of the Sliver Moon pack Yue or Kenji as some have also known his name by, Kenji Tsukino long ago walked in, he had joined their pack, but he was yelling out about his daughter. 

"15 years. and not a word of my daughter, what more do you need? Stated Yue" serious tone voice. As Inuyasha looked up at him I hear you Alpha Yue, but murder is a serious accusation, Say's Inuyasha" respecting him for being another alpha. 

"Look...! those Blood Elyison's attacked my pack 15 years ago and my poor daughter, my little girl vanished, I know they killed her, I just do, said Yue" angry. 

As Inuyasha tried his hardest to have an open mind

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As Inuyasha tried his hardest to have an open mind. "Alpha Inuyasha...! Please, you are the only one who can help me? You have to help me avenge Serena. Asked Yue" pleading with him.  

As Inuyasha sat there at his desk and looked him in the eyes and he could tell this meant a lot to him, and he understood him too, but he chose to accept to help him.

As Yue left. Inuyasha was staring out the window and thinking in thought. What to do? But then his Beta Miroku ran into the room. "My Alpha? I came as soon as I heard, are you sure you want to start a war with the Elysion pack, Stated Miroku" honestly. 

"Yes, Sliver fang is the largest pack in the states hugely thanks to Alpha Yue's support, I have to help him avenge his daughter, Spoke up Inuyasha" serious tone voice. 

"But the Elysion wolf packs

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"But the Elysion wolf packs...! is strong my lord, they have a big number of wolves...and the Alpha...! Stated Miroku beginning to speak but then Inuyasha cut him off.

"Alpha Darien...! and his wolf is name Endyimon and I have heard enough rumors about that werewolf to live a lifetime from females and males alike I know all of that...! I heard he's all brawn and no brains, Stated Alpha Inuyasha" serious tone voice.

As he continues to write things down. As Miroku handed him a folder. 

"Best see for yourself Alpha. Spoke up Miroku" seriously. As Inuyasha looked back up at the black folder before his eyes. As he took it from his Beta. As they both shared looks and nothing else after that. 

Meanwhile back in Elysion.

Serena walked through the hallways, and she wanted to go back to her room so badly.

She didn't want to even speak to the Alpha again, he was so rude and mean to her half the time disrespectful to her always.

They all treated her as a weakling and some have made comments at her even if she did get her wolf, she'd be weak others threaten to eat her at times to scare her.

She wished to prove them all wrong and that her wolf would be beautiful and strong, she'd prove them all that they bullied the wrong girl for all these years, she didn't even know why she was hated, they casted her down as a maid of the pack to serve them, she was bugged by this insulting treatment that they have given to her. 

As she wanted to knock on the door, she really didn't want too even look at him again, seeing him earlier was enough to make her blood boil inside she was scared though and she had orders to obey and she has to obey the alpha's commands, but she just pushed the door open.

Where she got a full sight of Darien mounting Sensa's ass basically. 

Sansa's had a blind fold over her eyes. As Darien was teasing her and what not. But then she asks him why did, he stopped.

He was ramming his dick inside of Sansa's body pretty hard and then he just stopped.

Serena mouths out the words what the hell? As the whole room was awkward to be inside of.

Serena growled and this was many reasons why Darien degusted her. But now if you want to see what happens next that will continue onto chapter 3. 

These are going to be mini chapters but good book regardless.  To Be Continued on Chapter 3.

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