Chapter 39. Back in Elysion confronting Darien about the truth.

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So, the last time Serena had met Kagome, Kagome got in her face and picked on her for being so weak.

She was a slave girl and she was supposed to be with Inuyasha, this disgusted Kagome with the thought of someone like Serena with someone like him, like Inuyasha he was greater than great he was the Alpha, and he was paired with the weakling of a wolf.

So, she ended up leaving after Sango tried to cheer her up, she's tried to make her happy. But it no longer worked, Serena felt she didn't deserve Inuyasha.

So, she ended up leaving his home and went back to her previous home, back to Darien.

As Darien's head lifted up, he rushed out of his bedroom and looked at the mirror on the wall he smiled and thought he looked good. As he opened the door and found Serena waiting there.

"Darien...! I've returned alone, as you suggested. As she refused to move much but she spoke. Darien was excited and smiled that she was back.  So, let's begin where I left off at enjoy.

So, as Darien answered the door. As She said she was here, she wanted answers. So, as they moved this inside the house in his office. As he sat there in his chair and thought a lot. 

"So, you really came back? how's your new life back there with the Sliver fangs in Nightwind? Asked Darien, " questioning her.

As Serena looked down at him. "I only came for the truth," said Serena, crossing her arms over the other one.

As Darien just stared her down and he felt a lot of mixed feelings. But he hid his intentions again.

"Right, okay. No small talk, spoke up Darien" giving in for the moment. As it was quiet and tense between them. 

"The Truth? stated Darien, " being very smug. As Serena wanted answers but she was waiting, but she felt annoyed with him stalling, but she still waited. As Darien finally spit it out of his mouth.

"My parents snatched you up from the Sliver Moon werewolf pack when we attacked them years ago, and you, well, you're a souvenir," said Darien, telling the truth.

As this left a hole inside of Serena, her whole life, she had wanted to know who she was or her parents, but this whole time he knew this? And this made her angrier than ever she felt disgusted from the bottom of her stomach. As she felt all mixed feelings staring at him, just looking back at her. 

As she finally found her voice. "I had a pack. Asked Serena, " demanding tone of voice.

As Darien was now dangling all kinds of baits and he just kept looking at her like a slim ball, a dirty mutt with the looks he was giving her. 

"And this whole time you knew? And you still let me grow up packless? Asked Serena, " Angry.

"Well, a souvenir usually doesn't have a home to return to, does it? Replied Darien, " stating this question and answering hers.

"You are a fucking asshole...! Shouted out Serena" as she rose her hand and she wanted to slap him. 

As he caught her hand and by grabbing her arm. As their tension only grew higher, and it was tense in this very room right now.

As she backed up as he still held her arm. As he spoke. 

"I am still an Alpha, Serena. Stated Darien" growling but putting her in her place, or he was trying too.

As they kept backing up again like the last time, she was in here with him, and he pinned her to the wall. He was corning her again. 

 "Don't test me. spoke up Darien, " showing a dangerous tone. As the doors opened and then Thorin came in his Beta. "Alpha, we need to talk," said Thorin seriously. "Not now! Replied Darien" Seriously. 

"Alpha, please, it's about the peace treaty. The other Alpha's are turning against you, spoke up Thorin," seriously and worried as he explained this to his alpha. As Darien was forced to release Serena's arm and walk out of the room with Thorin. 

As Serena was bitter and upset and she felt all manners of emotionally betrayal and all these years Darien fucking knew she wasn't an orphan or packless. As she felt like crying, but she didn't when she heard the sounds of shoes walking on the floor.

As she heard the voice that has taunted her, her whole life. Sensa's voice. "Well, well, well, Said Sensa behind her. As She turned around to face her.

"If it isn't Cinderella herself, Stated Sensa," grinning from ear to ear. As Serena and her just stared each other down. 

SO, what will happen next? To BE Continued on chapter 40.

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