Chapter 1. Abused Slave.

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In a world where werewolf packs survive on centuries-old fortune, a fragile peace treaty is about to shatter.

Serena had been trapped in this castle since she was a newborn or this estate she was in, she was orphaned very young, and she cannot remember her parents or who they were, all she knew was that everyone in this pack disrespected her and treated her like something they stepped in.

As she got up this morning, she wasn't even allowed to take a shower, the pack was mean to her and she never knew what she did to deserve this, she has helped everyone out she has kept them fed for so very long.

But she was still treated horribly, and she didn't know how much longer she could take it.

As she was ordered to bring in the alpha's drink, he requested for. Inside the room.

The Alpha Darien was making out hard with Sansa most beautiful girl in the pack.

She was a Beta's daughter, she was supposed to be a good hunter and had the perfect family background to make her look perfect standing next to the alpha's side, She had become super close to the alpha until he proposed to her, and she accepted to be his mate.

Darien was always seen kissing her or mounting her. But regardless, he was all over her daily. So, Sansa had control and could do whatever she wanted over this whole estate.

Serena walked through the doors to the alpha's study room basically, she walked in on him. He was on the couch making out hard with Sansa. Until Serena cleared her throat and spoke up that she had the drink that he requested.

"The Drink you asked for? Spoke up Serena, " holding the glass in her hands.

As Sensa jumped up and glared at her. "God, you stupid bitch. Are you blind? Darien is busy, said Sansa with sass in her tone as she slapped Serena across the face.

Serena dropped the glass cup and it shattered on the ground.

Darien glared as his glass hit the floor. He was the Alpha of his pack, and he was mean.

"I suppose that means that Darien can get his drink then, Said Serena" standing up to Sansa. As Sensa tilted her head in annoyance as she glared even more.

"What did you just say? Did you just call your Alpha Darien? God you rude stupid bitch...! Shouted out Sansa" as she swung at her again to slap her, but this time Serena caught her hand.

"That's enough Sansa...! Shouted out Serena" grabbing her arm and stopping her from hitting her. But then Alpha Darien got involved and grabbed Serena's arms and said know your place, Serena.

"You're an orphan, You have no home, nowhere to run, spoke up Darien" scolding her.

Sensa just smiled happily and grinned widely at her punishment. As Serena spoke up or tried to say she'd just leave and be...! As he cut her off a rogue? You don't even have your wolf yet, until then you're mine, spoke up Darien" glaring at her.

As Serena felt degraded once again. As Sansa grabbed his arms and purred up next to him sucking up to him.

As Serena felt awful and she hated this horrible feeling in her stomach and her heart.

As the two were about to leave the room. As Serena circled the broken glass. Darien looked back at her.

"Meet me in my office after you're done picking this shit up, You come to see me afterward, spoke up Darien" glaring at her.

As she looked at the ground. As the two left the room and went to his actual office.

As Serena landed on the ground purely in pain anger and sadness washed over her. As she slowly picked up the broken piece of glass. As she whimpered...!

"Moon Goddess, please? Please grant me a strong powerful wolf when I turn 18 in a few days, I can't bear this pain any longer.

We will live humble lives in the woods, hunting for what we need and nothing more, please Goddess, please grant me my wish my wolf form, and set me free...! Cried Serena" as she pleaded with the Moon Goddess to protect her and help her become a strong wolf.

As she finished her job and cleaned up the mess. She tried to whip away the fact she had been crying.

But she tried to obey her orders and go to the alpha's office he did tell her to do this. So, she listened and headed to his room.

But what will happen in chapter 2?

To Be Continued in Chapter 2.

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