A House Is Not A Home Part 5

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Ruben's wife dies during childbirth along with their son. Ruben hasn't been in a relationship since. Y/N is a single mother to a four year old boy. She buys a house in the small town that Ruben lives in. The house needs alot of fixing which Ruben helps with, resulting in him slowly falling in love with Y/N. However, falling in love with Y/N makes Ruben feel like he is betraying his dead wife.


"There she is! I see her! Mommy, mommy!"

You were standing by the town square waiting for the bus. As it pulled up to the station your son, Johnny, spilled out and made a run towards you.

"My baby!"

He ambushed you with a hug and you gladly picked him up and twirled him around.

"Mommy, look what gammy got me."

Your son showed you a little toy car, not bigger than the size of his palm.

"That's for letting me yank out that old tooth of his." Your mother said, as her bad hip had her limping towards you.

"You lost a tooth?" You gasped.

Johnny nodded excitedly.

"Show me."

He displayed his little baby teeth and indeed one was missing.

"Isn't it to early for him to lose teeth?" You asked.

"How can you blame him." Your mother exclaimed. "The stress of moving across the country. He'll be toothless by the time he starts the first grade."

You rolled your eyes, ignoring your mother. She had always been very vocal about you buying a house so far away from home, in the country at that. You had been raised in the city and that's where your mother meant you belong. You suspected that she missed you, with your dad being gone. And now you were taking Johnny from her too.

"It's cold in here, no?"

Arriving at the house you put Johnny down and let him explore his new home. You and your mother started unpacking their things as she had agreed to stay with you for a few days.

"It's the heater. I think it's broken. " You immediately got up to sort out the fireplace.

"An open fire." Your mother scuffed.

"Mom don't start."

"Baby, you can't have a four year old running around where there is an open flame. It's dangerous."

"Well, I'm not gonna let him freeze."

"Don't you have someone who can come and take a look at the heater, it can't be impossible to fix?"

You had someone who could come over, but that someone wasn't speaking to you anymore. Two weeks had gone by since you last spoke to Ruben, the last time being when he kissed you. It was petty and childish of him not to want to sort things out as an adult and so you decided to let him be, to not hunt him down for answers or help anymore.

The following days involved a lot of administration work for you. For this you were grateful for your mother's presence, as she helped you get Johnny's insurance sorted, the house insurance sorted and help you enroll Johnny to a nice kindergarten. It was all going well and Johnny really seemed enjoy his new town.

"Look, horse!" He exclaimed, as the three of you had joined the locals at a street market that the town had put together. Many people were selling their own goods like crops and honey. One farmer was even letting the kids ride his horse around the block.

"Careful Johnny, don't get to close to it."

"It's okay mom. The horse is tied up."

The farmer let Johnny pet the horse and sit on it's back. Meanwhile you and your mother checked out the many market stands, one of them being Katarina's.

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