Love Is Silent

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Imagine Ruben, struggling to show you love and affection, but really makes an effort to do so. 


"Have I done something?"

"Like what?"

It was date night and Ruben was walking you back to your apartment.

"Wrong, I mean. Have I done something wrong?"

"Why would you say that?

Ruben seized to walk. He hadn't even been holding your hand during, somthing he usually did.

"You were really quite during dinner and so I thought..." Although you had only been dating Ruben for a couple of months you quickly learned that he was comfortable with silence, a bit too comfortable at times.

"Y/N, just because I didn't say much during dinner doesn't make it your fault."

"Then who's fault is it, Ruben? Latley I've been feeling like you've started to pull away, that you aren't interested in me anymore."

He wore a puzzled expression, not helping you feel less crazy about yourself.

"Forget it, I should..."

"Y/N, wait"

He grabbed your wrist, preventing you from leaving. The night was still young as the streetlight above your heads gathered moths into its flames.

"Just because I don't..."

Ruben didn't let himself finish the sentence.

"Y/N, just because I don't..." He shook his head.

"What is it Ruben?"

"Fuck it" He muttered and blurred it out. "I love you Y/N, I'm just not that good at showing it."

A swift silence swept the night, a restraint "Oh.", escaping your lips.

"You're right though." He nodded. "I should be making more effort to show you how much I love you and stuff."

"Okay." You squealed. Not really knowing how else to respond.

Actions spoke louder than words though, turns out the little moments with Ruben made you feel the most loved and appreciated.

One moment came just before a game. You stood watching from the sidelines. Ruben was sprinting across the field, warming up along his teammates. He paused suddenly, lifting his head in search for somthing, for someone. He raised his hand, spotting you in the crowd. A smile spread across your face as you waved back at him.

You could mention other moments such as whenever you were out late with friends, Ruben would often call to make sure that you made it home safe. And on days when you felt overwhelmed with work, he would surprise you with lunch, or cute text messages as a simple reminder that he was thinking of you.

Another lovely moment happned one evening, as you and Ruben sat on the couch, engrossed in conversation about everything and anything, Ruben reached over and gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. It was a small and intimate gesture that spoke volumes. The love that it made you feel was timeless, his actions almost effortless. It was during these moments that you realized that love wasn't just about grand romantic gestures or words whispered in the dark. It was about the little things, the gentle touches, the thoughtful actions, that made one feel cherished and valued.

The conclusion was simple, love is silent and sometimes you have to ask for permission to have it unleashed.

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