Try Me Part 2

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Summary - A six part series where reader is a very passionate football player and Ruben is her new and equally passionate football coach. However, the two of them can't seem to get along.


It was the second match of the group stage. Sixtiy minutes into the game and Ruben still had you seated on the bench.


He stood with his back to you, facing the pitch, shouting at the girls to "Push!"

"Coach?" You shouted in vain. Either he was completely ignoring you, or he was just that emerged in the game.


His head snapped back to look at you. A bit forgetful that you were back there and not on the pitch.

"Please, just put me in." You pleaded.

His smug smile betrayed a hint of amusement. "Not this time," he replied, his voice dripping with condescension. "This will teach you a lesson, not to disrespect me again."

"But we're losing." Your plea turned into frustration as you tried to reason with him. "I've worked so hard. I deserve a chance."

He shook his head dismissively. "Hard work isn't everything, Y/N. There are many factors to consider when playing football, and your attitude towards me is one of them. Maybe this will teach you some humility."

Desperation filled your voice, "Please don't do this!" You stood, ready to walk onto the field and help your teammates weather he liked it or not. However, Rubens outstretched arm altered your steps.

"Sit down or your not playing for this team anymore."


His stern gaze told you that he wasn't joking. During his time as the assistant coach he had never once cracked a joke.

"Fuck this." You said, bending down to remove your shin guards, tossing them aside and storming off in a trembling rage.

You didn't bother getting back to the locker rooms. You headed straight for the gates and out of the stadium, towards the nearest bus stop.

Ruben's words stung like a slap to the face. The fact that he was young and handsome only made him more annoying to you. What did he know about football? He had previously played for a team that often threatened relegation from the highest devison. A terrible merit for a coach, along with his alleged knee injury that forced him to put his football boots on a shelf. What did he know about coaching a women's team? What your team needed was a real coach, with real competence. Like your old coach.

"Y/N? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

He was shook to see you standing at his front door, dressed in all your football gear.

"It's a disaster." You announced, stepping through the door, without invitation.

"What is?" He asked, wearing a robe with palm trees on. Retirement didn't look good on him, you thought. He had gained weight and moved awkwardly between the furniture in his home.

"The new assistant coach, Ruben. He's taken over as if someone has given him your job already." You sat down in one of his leather sofas, exhaling your frustration.

"Now Y/N, Ruben is most likely to turn into your permanent coach for the next season anyway, which makes him your new head coach. "

"Unless someone else accepts the position, right? Like you?"

"But I am retired dear. Finally after sixty seven years I'm allowed to put down the whistle, sit down and rest."

You frowned. "Is that really what you want to do during your retirement?"

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