Ruben Dias x Black Reader

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Summary - She was a party girl and he does not party. Two worlds collid when the two of them meet at a party/nutrition conference


He had been watching her for a while now, out on the dancfloor, her hips moving freely to the ear numbing music under the many sparkling lights. Ruben wasn't much for parties, but since it was arranged by the Gatorade nutrition conference, he felt the need to make an appearance. After all, they were one of the teams biggest sponsors. It would be unwise to make them unhappy.

His attention had quickly been drawn to the woman which keynote speech he had listened to previously that day. It had been quite the keynote about groundbreaking research that had been within the field of the human digestive system. Come to find that the fascinating woman presenting that research was nothing but a party girl.

"I don't dance." Ruben said as the two of them somehow ended up getting introduced to each other. It was Ruben who suggested that they'd talk out in the balcony. The loud music was beginning to give him a headache.

"Not even a little?" She frowned. Her lips were painted red, matching the color of her dress that hugged her shape.

"Why should we dance when no one else out here is doing it?" Ruben looked around. They were accompanied by a few other people from the confrence. They were making acquaintances for future connections. Ruben felt happy to be making acquaintance with the most gorgeous person from the confrence.

"That's the best time to start dancing, don't you think?"

"I firmly disagree." He chuckled. She was brave though, asking him to dance in a formal setting like this.

"I can't say I'm shocked." She said.

Ruben looked away, hiding his smile.

"What can you do then Ruben Dias?"

He searched her eyes, not sure why he felt so challenged by her piercing gaze. " I play football." He said.

"Oh really?" She exclaimed.


"Very." She nodded. "A footballer should have some rhythm in his feet, don't you think?"

"Having rhythm and dancing is not the same thing."

"But it is."

Ruben snorted. "So you mean to say that if I put a ball at your feet you'd know how to dribble it like Neymar?"

"No, but maybe like one Ruben Dias who can't dance." She smiled, a challenging smile.

"That's it, I'm taking you with me to the pitch."

"Bet." She chuckled, however did not expect Ruben to actually drag her out of the party and onto his car that stood parked down the street. Despite being complete strangers, she found herself trusting him with her life. Especially since he was doing 130 km/h on a highway with the speed limit of 110 km/h.

"My name is Mayisha by the way." The wind from the roofless vehicle stirring her afro.

"Hi Mayisha, I'm Ruben." He said, stretching out a hand for her to greet. She shook it fast for him to drive with both hands again. She wasn't sure where all of this was going, especially not when Rubens car was headed towards The Ethiad Stadium of all places.

"Um...Ruben?" He came around the car, holding up the door for her to step out onto the stadium parking lot.

"Where exactly are we going?" She said, eyeing the massive building that rose before them.

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