Here For You

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You were pregnant with your second child, and Ruben had been the epitome of support and care for you throughout the entire journey. He had been there for every prenatal appointment, had endured the late-night cravings and mood swings, and had even renovated his office so that you could work from home and focus on your growing family.

One day though, when Ruben came home from training, he was greeted by a scene that made his heart race with panic. You were lying on the bathroom floor, clutching your stomach and gasping for breath. Your face was crunched up with discomfort and your eyes were glassy with fear.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Ruben shouted, dropping his gym bag and rushing to your side. "Are you okay?"

You tried to speak, but your voice was barely above a whisper. "I don't know," you managed to say. "I just feel so sick. I've been vomiting all day."

Ruben's mind raced with worst-case scenarios, but he knew he needed to stay calm. "Should I call the paramedics?" He asked, a hand rubbing your back.

"No. I think it's normal. I'll be fine. Just help me get off the floor."

You had barley finished the sentence before being cradled into Ruben's strong arms. He brought you to your bedroom, setting you down on the bed.

"I'll be right back." He reassured.

You knew what he was going to do. He was going to call the school your son went to. You were supposed to pick him up an hour ago, however, with your aches, you hadn't made it out of the front door.

Nevertheless, your son was picked by one of Ruben's friends who's daughter went to the same school.

You had managed to drift off to sleep when a small set of hands patted your face.

"Hey, mommy needs to rest." Ruben said, catching your son next to you in bed, trying to get your attention.

"It's okay." You smiled and invited your son to lay under the covers with you. You were feeling much better now that you had gotten some rest.

"Is the baby sick too?" Your son asked, his small hands roaming your pregnant belly.

"No, the baby is fine." You ran a hand through his locks. "How was school honey?"

"Okay. Uncle John picked me up."

"He did?"

You looked to Ruben who stood watching you in the door frame.

"Remind me to call and thank him." You said.

"No need. John was glad to help."

Still, you couldn't help but to feel guilty for being such a trouble when pregnant.

"Come on son, time to get you washed up and ready for dinner." Ruben took care of most of them chores that night. He left you to stay in bed whilst he took care of dinner, helped your son with his homework and eventually put him to bed.

He returned to you in bed once the house was quiet and all the lights were off.

"What?" You asked, as Ruben had crawled into bed without saying a word, just grabbing a hold of your hands and pressing them to his face and his lips.

"I was so scared when I found you in the bathroom like that." Ruben pressed soft kisses to your fingertips. You ran your free hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, but I promise you, I'm all good now."

Ruben shook his head. "I know, I know. I was scared."

There was more to it than that, you could tell. "What is it baby?"

Ruben lifted his head to meet your eyes, reavilng that his eyes were glossy with tears. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." He said, voice thick.

"Oh, baby..." You pulled him into your embrace, letting his weight press you down against the matress. "You will never lose me." You said, your hands cupping his face.

"Us." He muttered.


"Lose us." He corrected, a hand slipping under your shirt, stroking the crease of your belly.

You smiled and nodded. "That's right, you'll never lose us."

Ruben's head dropped to your lips, kissing you hard. You kissed him back with equal amount of passion, reminding yourself how greatful you were for your family.

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