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Summary - Ruben and Reader has a fight whilst Ruben is on vacation with his friends.


Ruben's friends teased him about it. About how the two of you had gotten into a fight over some picture of him in the club last night. He was still on vacation whilst you were at home in Manchester, working. The fight had happened over the phone. The phone that you currently weren't answering.

"Come on Ruben." His friends said. "Forget about her. We are on vacation for fucksake."

They had rented a small yacht for the day and blasted music loud enough to scare the fishes away. Ruben, however, was unable to enjoy himself. His thoughts were still of you and the fight you had. At one point Ruben looked so miserable that his brother took him aside. "Man, just call her and apologize." He said.

"You think so?"

Ruben's brother seemed to be the only one who understood the effect the fight with you had on him. His brother knew exactly how much you meant to Ruben.

"You know how women can get. The girls at the club were all over you last night. What did you expect her reaction to be seeing that picture that José posted?"

Ruben nodded. "You're probably right, I should call her. Tell José to delete that picture of me form his Instagram."

"Sure will brother. And here..." Ruben's brother tossed him his phone. "Since she won't answer when you call." He grinned.

Ruben waited until sundown, when the party on the boat had quiet down a bit and the guys were in their feels from all the alcohol.

"Hello?" You answered.

"It's me. " He said.

"God Ruben, you scared me."

"I did. Why?"

"Well, since it was your brother's number calling I thought somthing might have happened to you."

You still worried about him. A good sign, Ruben thought.

"What do you want?" You said, trying to maintain your angry voice even though you slipped up just then.

"I just called to say I'm sorry."

"You're sorry, for what?" You were hard on him, knowing he was just trying to break bread.

"For letting José post that picture of me and that girl?"


"And the fight we had over the phone."


"I swear to God Y/N I'll apologize for whatever, but I can't come up with anything else I did wrong." Ruben ran a hand down his face. He was miserable. The long distance between you was one thing, but arguing with you from a long distance he simply couldn't do.

"Ruben I don't want you to make a list of apologies."


"Of course not. I understand you're with your friends enjoying your well deserved vacation. But the way you spoke to me over the phone, like I was some annoying side piece you are fucking. I dunno Ruben, but it made me feel like you were trying to be something you're not in front of your friends. And if that is the case I don't think that it's going to work between us."

"It's not...I mean I'm not!" Ruben explained. "I'm not trying to be somone I'm not. I admit that I got a bit carried away during our fight, but your name you must believe me when I say that you're not some side piece. To me you're the main fucking course."

"Ruben." You chuckled.

Your laughter seemed to mend the sharp pain that he had felt in the pit of his stomach. It also restored his entire mood.

"I made you laugh. " He mumbled.

"Yeah, so?" You giggled.

"Does it mean you forgive me?"

"I forgive you."

"Good." All was well, he thought.

"But tell those Ibizian bitches to stay off my man!"

Ruben chuckled. "I'll be sure to tell them."

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