Remember You and Me Part 6

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Summary - After a traffic accident reader is left with no memory of her life with Ruben, who desperately tries to get her to remember him.


Maybe all you needed was time. With time you had adjusted well to the life you once had. Your relationship with Ruben took a step further once he permanently moved back into your bedroom. With time you had accept that for your memory to be restored you simply had to start over, especially when it came to your degree in biological science. As the days passed however, you became more and more desperate to remember who you were as a student because that was a time that no other person could voucher for but you.

You started keeping a journal, hoping that writing down your thoughts and feelings might help you to remember something, anything. But every day was like a blank slate. One day, as you walked across campus, somthing out of the ordinary happned. You saw a man who looked familiar. He was tall, with dark hair and brown eyes. He smiled at you, and for a moment you felt like you knew him.

"Excuse me!" You shouted, waving towards the man. To your exhilaration the man waved back. "No way."

You couldn't lose him, you thought and ran ahead in order to catch up with the guy. Your heart raised as the man seized to walk, waiting for you to catch up to him. "You know me, don't you?" Was the first words to come out of your breathless mouth. "As a student I mean."

The man frowned. "Um...I mean you were my roommate for two years."

"I was? So we are friends?"

"Um...sure. Y/N, right?"

"Yes, that's me!" You jumped, quite over the moon to finally be recognized by someone on campus. You hurried to collect yourself, explaining yourself to the man, who's name turned out to be Joshua.

"Yeah, I heard about your accident. I'm sorry about your memory loss." He said.

"Could you please tell me a bit about who I was, you know...before the accident?"

"Oh, well we didn't really have any classes together since we don't study the same major." Joshua was undergoing an English literature major he explained. "And we didn't really hang out beyond the apartment we shared."

"Didn't I have any friends that I brought over?"

Joshua looked to ponder through his memory. "I mean I remember you going to some of the parties thrown around campus. Don't remember who you went to those with though. And then you sort of stopped once you got together with that guy you met...what was his name?"


"Ruben Dias, exactly! That was cool I guess. You asked me to come with you to one of his games once."

"One of his what?"

"His football games?"

"Ruben plays football?" You frowned. For some reason you thought he was a hockey player, but perhaps football made more sense. You had never asked him about it simply because he never seemed interested in talking about it with you. Matter of fact, Ruben never really shared his interest with you.

"Look I've got to get to class, talk to you later?"

"Wait!" You stopped him from leaving. Joshua had done more for your than he obviously understood. "Is it okay if I have your number, you know... in case I have some more questions?"

"Sure." He shrugged. "It should already be in your phone, shouldn't it?"

You had been roommates for two years, of course his number should already be somewhere in your contact list. "Right but in case it isn't." You handed him a pen and a ripped page from your notebook.

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