The Only Girl In His World

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You called your mom as soon as you got into a taxi outside of the airport.

"Y/N, this is the third time!"

But calling her might have been a mistake.

"Mom, Ruben hasn't forgotten to pick me up before."

"No. But last week he forgot to e-mail you the plane tickets for your trip and the week before that he had trouble remembering which country you and your friends were even visiting. It's how it starts honey and you need to put a foot down, or else."

"Or else what?" You frowned, although deep down the truth hurt.

"Or else you'll end up alone in a big house with four kids whilst your husband is running around living his life like some hot shot bachelor."

"Mom, that would never happen. You know Ruben, besides he doesn't even want kids." You defended, just like you had defended Ruben's mistake to your friends, saying he had alot going on and therefore forgot to e-mail you their tickets. "....At least we haven't talked about that yet."

"And you won't need to." She said. "Because he'll forget to pick you up for that meeting too."

"Jupp, okay. I see where this phone call is going mom. I'm hanging up now..." You had already cried at the airport when, after two hours of waiting, you realized that your boyfriend had forgotten about you. Your mother was not about to ruin the make up you had to redo because of that.

"Y/N, I just don't want you to get hurt." She said, more sympathetically.

"Like I said mom. It's Ruben we're talking about. He would never hurt me, ever."

The phone call ended.

Thirty minutes later the taxi pulled up to Ruben's apartment building. You took the elevator up and felt your heartbeat with longing for a hug from the love of your life, however, all you were met with was an empty apartment and no Ruben.


You went from room to room, switching on the lights just to confirm that "Jupp." Your boyfriend forgot about you, or he simply couldn't care less about you. The worst thing was the realization that today was Ruben's day off, and thst at some point he had been home, and not alone. The Playstation was still plugged into the TV and there were empty bottles of that recovery drink that Ruben loved. However you couldn't imagine he'd ever recover from this, you'd never allow Ruben to make you feel this way again.


It was around eleven o'clock at night when you heard keys turn in the lock. Ruben must have sighted your open suitcase in the living room, for he was shouting your name.

"Fuck me." You heard him sigh. "Y/N, are you here?"

"In here!" You shouted from the bedroom. You were on the floor emptying drawers of all of your things.

"Oh my god, Y/N. I'm so sorry baby, so fucking sorry." Ruben appeared in the door frame, a pale look on his face, knowing damn well that he fucked up by forgetting to pick you up at the airport.

"I swear you said Sunday." He said, which was not an excuse, you thought. Why hadn't he checked with you if he was so unsure? A quick text message would have sufficed.

"No Ruben." You mumbled. "I specifically told you four o'clock, Saturday."

He slapped a hand over his face and sighed. "Fuck, I must have mixed up the dates."

"Of course you did."

" did you get home?" He asked, the question so dumb that you wanted to slap that stupid look of innocence that he wore on his face.

"I took a taxi Ruben. Another will be here in a minute to pick me up."

He frowned "Why?"

You stood, a pile of folded clothes in your hands. "I'm leaving you Ruben. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always second best to you. So I'm prioritizing myself by"

"What?" He blurred out. "W...what do you mean?"

You pushed past him as he stood in the door, once in the living room you dumped your folded clothes into your already packed suitcase.

"Baby, what do you mean your leaving me?" Ruben was close behind you, demanding answers. Why he was upset you couldn't even fathom. "Is this you breaking up with me or something, and for what, because I forgot to pick you up from a fucking airport?"

"And you forgot to send me my plane tickets! And you forgot which fucking country I was even in!" You shouted, with tears trailing down your face . "Did you even notice that I was gone Ruben? Did you even care that I was gone?"

"Baby?" He looked confused, confused as to why you were shouting and crying. "Why would you even ask me that? Of course I cared that you were gone. That's why I've had Bernardo come over here and play FIFA with me everyday since you left. "I...I don't know what has made you come to this conclusion about me...about us?" He looked to the suitcase on the floor with terror in his eyes. "Please, let's just talk about this first before you decide to do anything neither of us want.

You hated that he made you feel like the dramatic one, however he was right, the two of you should talk things out before you did anything that might be irreversible in the end.

"I don't wanna talk." You muttered.

"No?" Ruben looked on the verge of something, something he wouldn't recover from. "W...what do you want then?"

"I want to feel loved."

"Fuck." He sighed, rushing to cup your face in his hands. He lifted your head, bending down, kissing you. "Of course I love you. Your the only girl for me." He kissed you again, harder.

"Prove it." You said, pulling away from him.

"What?" He looked confused, so confused and afraid, afraid of losing you.

"Prove that you love me and only me"

"Y/N, how would I even do that?"

Your eyes looked him up and down, indicating nothing more than what you needed right now. "Fuck me."

Ruben's brows lifted.

You smiled. "Fuck me like I'm the only girl in the world."

Nothing more was said. Ruben didn't even let you leave the living room before your clothes came off. He had your legs spread wide with his cock thrusting in and out deep in side if you. He fucked you right there and then, on the living room couch, like you were the only girl in his world.

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