Ruben Dias x Black Reader - A Sky Full of Stars

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Summary - Ruben takes reader to a Coldplay concert


"Girl, I don't even like Coldplay....." You whispered into your phone.

"Then why are you going to see their concert?" Your best friend asked, laughing at the fact.

You looked back over your shoulder. Ruben was still in the bathroom getting ready. You could hear him, humming along to the speaker that he brought in there.

"Apparently Ruben loves them." You sighed.

"He does? I didn't know that?"

Neither did you. He had suprised you with the tickets last minute, saying that he would love for you two to go. How could you say no?

"Do you even know any of their songs?"

"No." You snorted. "Maybe one song. That living la vida loca..."

"Wasn't that Ricky Martin who sang that one?"

"I don't fucking know? All I know is that I won't be able to enjoy myself at the concert because Coldplay don't play no music that makes you want to dance!"

Your friends lughter drummed in your ear "I agree. Aren't people just jumping up and down at their concerts?"

"Probably. I'll let you know how it goes."

"Okay girl. Remember, you're doing it for love. Perhaps Ruben will agree to see Beyonce Renaissance with you?"

"I doubt it, but thanks."

You hung up the phone just as Ruben left the bathroom.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

You stood. "Yes. Am I overdressed?"

You wore a red thin laced dressed, that hugged the shape of your body like an hourglass. Ruben on the other hand, wore beige chinos with a white shirt, leaving the top buttons undone.

"I don't know?" He muttered, eyes looking you up and down. "Turn around, let me see what's behind."

"Ruben. " You gasped.

He chuckled. "You look fine babe. The car is waiting for us downstairs."

You grabbed your purse and let Ruben escort you out of the door.

"Car? Aren't we taking yours?"

"Nah, it will be too difficult dealing with parking and stufff. Besides, I thought we could check into a hotel later."

"A hotel, why?"

You arrived downstairs. Ruben held the car door open for you to get in.

"No reason. He shrugged. "I just thought that it could be nice to finnish the day off with...."

"The two of us checking into a hotel?"

Ruben blushed.

You nodded. "Okay, it's a date then."

He smiled. "It's a date."

The concert was more or less what you expected it to be, a fully set Ethiad Stadium with people jumping amongst each other in a crowd. You didn't know the majority of the songs that were played, however, you did enjoy the light show that they put on. Apparently the wristbands you were given upon entery lit up and shifted colors, creating a swarm of lights amongst the people in the crowd.

"Are you having fun babe?"

The night had its moments though.

There was one song they played that made the whole crowd sing along, creating the most amazing atmosphere.

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