Be Mine Part 2

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Anon asked: hey, have you ever written a story like ruben having an affair with his teammate's girlfriend?No, but here is a try!


Arriving at Bernardo's there was the usual chaos.

"Ruben, you're here! And you smell good." Ines was at the door, letting him in.

"What's that, Valentino?"

"No. Hugo Boss."

She gave him a hug and a swift kiss on his cheek. Ruben turned his head slightly, Ines lips caressed the corner of his mouth. Pulling back, she giggled, gesturing for Ruben to enter her and Bernardo's lovely home. Toys roamed the floor, scattered here and there all over the house. Since the birth of their baby the chaos in is his friend's home increased by a thousand, still, Ines managed to look flawless as a mother. Her post pregnancy glow added curves to her previously petite figure. Ruben had to restrain himself as he watched her withdraw to the kitchen where she moved around the kitchen island, practically offering Ruben to take her from behind.

"Hi man, nice to see you."

With a shake of his head Ruben let the dirty thought's of Ines slip to the back of hus mind, where they rightfully belonged. Bernardo entered the living room, greating Ruben with half a hug as he carried the sleeping baby in his other arm.

"You didn't eat did you?" He asked, a frightened look on his face.

"No." Ruben said. His friend sighed in relief. "Great, dinner is almost ready. It will just be the two of us. Ines is having dinner with her friends."

Great, she's leaving, Ruben thought bitterly. He dressed up for nothing. The perfume he chose was one of Ines favorite scents on him. She often complemented him on it, although she'd usually forget having done so.

"Baby, come taste this stew!" Ines called form the kitchen. Ruben almost got up from where he sat on their sofa, Bernardo however, sat him back down.

"Coming honey!" He held the baby out to Ruben. "Can you take her?"


There was a baby in his lap before he could protest. He wasn't much for children but this one partly belonged to the love of his life. Perhaps if she saw how good he was with her, Ines would realized that she had married a fool. Just then Bernardo came rushing back into the living room, a ladle with stew in his hand. "Quick taste it." He said, ready to feed Ruben.

He frowned. "I'm not gonna..."

"Please Ruben. She won't leave unless the food is perfect." There was an obvious urgency in the way he offered Ruben the spoon. Ruben rolled his eyes, but opened his mouth to have a taste.

"Well?" Ines voice was heard from the kitchen.

"He loves it!" Bernardo said, despite Ruben not having a chance to utter his opinion. Either way, Bernardo insisted that Ines leave the pots and head upstairs to get dressed. Otherwise she'd be late to her friends birthday dinner. A few minutes later she returned downstairs completely transformed. Her hair, previously curled up in a messy bun, was now straightened and shining flawlessly. And the red dress she wore did not spare any of her newfound curves. Ruben had to diverged his eyes from the cleavage that cut deep between her breasts, to her face, pampered with make up.

"How do I look?" She asked, appearing in the doorway to the living room.


Bernardo paused the fifa game playing, tossing the remote aside to get up and circle his wife like a curious pup unable to control himself. Ruben however sat back on the sofa, the sleeping baby still in his arms. Handing her over to Ruben had all been a part of Bernardo's plan to play fifa all night whilst Ruben babysat his child.

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