Ruben Dias X Reader - Dream a Little Dream

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This was a request on Tumblr about reader graduating from law school.


You should be greatful, you thought. You should be greatful that you've graduated from law school with honors. You should be greatful that all your hard work finally payed off. You should be greatful that you have amazing friends and a boyfriend who's stuck with you every step of the way.

"You okay babe?" Ruben diverged his eyes from the road to look at you. You sat in the passenger seat of his car dressed in your graduation gown and a law school diploma clenched between your hands.

"I'm fine." You said, realizing that you hadn't heard your own voice since you stepped on the stage to thank your professors. "Just tired."

Ruben nodded. "We're almost home. I'm just gonna pick up somthing for us to eat."

Despite the many things to be greatful for in your life, there was still a sense of emptiness. A void that couldn't be filled nor replaced by any other being than your parents.

"Ruben?" You asked, voice low.

He turned to you again, keeping a slight eye on the road ahead "Yes?"

"Could we make a stop at Terrace Road?"

He raised a brow. "You sure?"

You nodded. "I'll be quick."

Terrace Road was one of the rougher neighborhoods in the city, where people like drunks, addicts and criminals roamed the streets.


Your dad was one of them, he was one of those people casted out of society.


Ruben dropped you off in front of a run down building, it's main attraction was the bar located at the corner of it. The bar was partly empty when you entered, your dad however, had a seat reserved for him at the bar.


His hunshed back figure shifted as you called him by name. Many heads were already turned your way after walking into the bar, high heels and dressed in full graduation attire.

"I tried sending you an invitation." You said, waving your diploma for your dad to see, however, he wasn't there. You recognized the eyes looking back at you but the man you once called dad was long gone, devoured by depression and drowning in alcohol.

"Your landlord said you moved tho. Where did you move to?"

You took the seat next to him in the bar. This reminded you of your last visit with your father. That was three years ago. He had been unresponsive back then too.

"I went to the cemetery." You said, pausing, to see his reaction. It was nothing though. He had stopped looking at you and kept his eyes ahead of him, distant from reality, gone forever.

"It looks nice, thier graves." You wiped a tear that had run down your cheek. "Do you go to see them sometimes?"

This summer would be exactly ten years since you lost your mother and little brother in a tragic car accident. Your dad had been driving them home after a walk along River Medlock. They were on their way to pick you up from football training. You remember that day as one of your worst, because no one ever came to pick you up from training and no one ever would again. About five years post the tragic event your dad started seeking comfort in alcohol. A part of you blamed your self for this because that was around the time you went away to law school.


It was to no use. Perhaps he had forgotten the sound of your voice altogether. The only parent you had was gone but not dead. For some reason you saw no difference in that.

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