A House Is Not A Home Part 2

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Ruben's wife dies during childbirth along with their son. Ruben hasn't been in a relationship since. Y/N is a single mother to a four year old boy. She buys a house in the small town that Ruben lives in. The house needs alot of fixing which Ruben helps with, resulting in him slowly falling in love with Y/N. However, falling in love with Y/N makes Ruben feel like he is betraying his dead wife.


The day after the storm.

To you it had only seemed like a bit of light rain, however Katarina and David, who was kind enough to let you stay with them for the night, explained that the storm hit bad for the farmers and their animals living out by the fields.

"But I live out by the fields?" You questioned.

The two of them shared a look of concern.


Your questions answered themselves as you pulled into the driveway of your house. Your heart sank at the sight of it, the sight of destruction that had befallen. The once-sturdy oak tree in front of the house now lay across your roof, its branches tangled and broken. You parked the Cheevy and stepped out onto the porch, tears streaming down your face as you surveyed the damage.

"No. This can't be happening."

Just then, a pickup truck pulled up behind you, kicking up dust and gravel. A tall, lanky man with sharp eyes and a dented frown hopped out of the driver's seat. "Hey, you alright?"

He approached you with rushed steps.

"No. Look at my house." You sniffled, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. "It was just a normal storm," you said, trying to make sense of it all. "But this...this is just..."

"I'm sorry." The man said. "Do you live here alone?"

You nodded, feeling a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill over.

"You're the new owner?"

"Yes, why?" You fretted the man's judgmental glare.

"But you're a woman." He frowned.

"Um...glad you noticed."

"No, I mean." He shook his head, letting himself get over the slight shock. "I recall selling the house to a Mr Johnny Marshall..."


You were thankful that you hadn't put make up on this morning, you would've looked a mess in front of strangers. "Johnny is my husband. I'm his wife, Y/N." You offered the man your hand, he took it, shaking it firmly.

"Ruben, Ruben Dias."

Your hands let go.

"You're Ruben?"

"You've heard of me?"

Heat rose to your face as the man's sharp eyes turned soft, curiously inspecting you.

"Um...Katarina and David." You stuttered. "I stayed with them during the storm. They told me that you would come today."

"They did?"

"Yeah. I arrived yesterday but there was a power outage in the house and so I called the number you gave me. To the bar?"

"You were at the bar last night?" A peculiar expression came across his face but was quickly wiped away.

"Y...yeah, I was at the bar. It's where I met Katarina and David. That's when they told me about you."

It felt like you were repeating yourself. It was becoming annoying.

Ruben stood with his hands on hips, looking to ponder what to do with you. "So where is he?"

"Who?" You frowned.

"You're husband?"

Somthing in your chest tightened. For a second breathing wasn't possible. "Johnny is ...um he's...."

Ruben raised a brow.

You exhaled, clearing your airways. "My husband...Johnny. He is working abroad actually. He's in the military."

"Okay, so you came to live here by yourself?"

"For now." You nodded, in a way, indicating that you were done answering his questions.

You watched Ruben take walk around the house, examining the fallen tree and the damage it had caused. After a few minutes, he returned to where you were standing on the porch, your arms crossed tightly over your chest.

"Well, the good news is that the tree didn't cause any structural damage to the house," he said. "But the roof will need to be replaced, and there's some serious cleanup up work to do before you can even think about repairs."

You felt a sense of relief wash over you. At least the house itself was okay. But the cost of repairs...you shook your head, feeling overwhelmed. "I don't know how I'm going to afford all of this," you admitted.

Ruben nodded understandingly. "Well there is no point in putting anything off."

"Put what off?"

"I have a pair of gloves in my trunk if you want to grab them?"

"And why would I do that?" You frowned.

Ruben chuckled. "You didn't think I'd clear all the damage for you. I mean, It's your house."

"Right...of course." You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you should trust this stranger. But there was something kind and genuine about him that put you at ease. You went over to his truck and popped the trunk, grabbing the gloves.

"Alright. Where should we start?"

You joined Ruben's side as he overlooked the property. Alot needed to be done.

"The only way we can start. " He sighed.

"From the bottom?"

Ruben bent down to pick up some broken wood. You shrugged your shoulders and did the same.

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