Where There Is Smoke

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You and Ruben had been together for two years, and on the surface, your relationship seemed perfect. You were young, in love, and successful in your respective careers. However, there was one thing that you kept hidden from Ruben, a secret that you had kept locked away, afraid of how he would react.

Every time you had a stressful day at work, you would indulge in you favorite guilty pleasure - smoking. You used to be an avid smoker, indulging at least a package of cigarettes a day. But after you and Ruben met your unhealthy lifestyle changed drastically. Ruben kept nothing unhealthy in the house, not even flavored gums. Naturally you felt a need to keep up with his compulsive lifestyle. Isn't that what a relationship was about, give and take? But on a stressful day like the one you had today, a puff from a cigarette was a must.

You left work thinking nothing of it. You had gotten away with somking many times before. After a long shower and a splash of perfume Ruben would suspect nothing when he returned home from training.

"Y/N, over here!"

You were about to cross the street from your office building when you spotted him, Ruben, leaning against his car.

"Ruben? What are you...?"

He looked handsome, dressed in a jacket and tie.

"I thought I'd suprise you." He said, holding the door open for you to get in.

"But..." Panic struck inside you. From where you were standing he couldn't possibly smell you, but if you jumped in the car with him. "You didn't need to pick me up, we live like two blocks away."

"I know." He smiled, insisiting that you get in the car with him. "I have a suprise for you."

"Shit." You cursed and walked towards the car. Ruben closed the door behind you and got into the drivers seat.

"How was your day?" He leaned forward, pecking your lips.


"Just fine?" He chuckled.


Ruben's eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" You asked.

"What's that smell?"

"What smell? I don't smell anything?"

"Yes. You smell like..." Ruben's eyes left the road as he leaned towards you. "Why do you smell like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like the back of a night club?"

His choice of words made you chuckle.

"Y/N, seriously."

"Ruben, seriously."

"Why do you smell like you've been smoking cigarettes?" He said a serious expression on his face.

"Oh that?" You heart was in your throat. "You know how it is?"

He raised a brow. "I do?"

"Yes. Alot of my colleagues smoke during lunch break, it must have rubbed off on me."

A sigh of relief looked to escape Ruben's mouth and his next choice of words left you feeling even more guilty for lying to him.

"I don't want you hanging around your colleagues that smoke. Second hand cancer is real, you know that right."

"Right." You muttered.

The car ride resumed in silence. Ruben drove you to a nicer restaurant located in a exclusive part of the city. He told you that his teammates recommended it, that the chefs there were really good and the food a hundred procent organic, just how "both" of you liked it.

As you sat down to eat, you couldn't help but feel anxious. You knew that Ruben would eventually find out about your secret, but you were so unsure of how he would react. You tried to push the thought out of her mind and focus on your conversation, but you just couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

As you finished your meal, Ruben reached over and took your hand. "You're being really quiet tonight," he said, looking at you with concern. "Is everything okay?"

You hesitated, unsure of what to say. You knew that you couldn't keep your secret hidden forever, and you knew that Ruben would eventually find out. You took a deep breath and decided to tell him the truth.

"There's something I need to tell you," you said, voice shaking. "Something I've been keeping from you."

Ruben looked at you, his eyes filled with concern. "What is it?"

You took another deep breath and let it out in a rush. "I've been lying to you."

"Okay, about what?" Ruben set down his knife and fork, indicating that you had his full attention.

"I know it's not healthy, and I know you wouldn't approve, but every time I have a stressful day at work, I enjoy a cigarette...or two." Or three, but it was better to ease him into the idea. "I tried quitting but failed. I've been doing it for months, and I've been hiding it from you."

Ruben looked at you, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. "Cigarettes?" he repeated, not really impressed by the fact. "Why would you keep that a secret from me?"

You shrugged, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her. "I didn't want you to think less of me," You said, looking down at the hands resting in your lap. "I know it's not healthy, and I know you're always talking about how important it is to eat healthy and be healthy. I didn't want you to think that I wasn't taking care of myself."

Ruben reached out and took your hand, his expression softening. "Y/N, I love you, no matter what." he said, his voice filled with kindness. "Am I angry that you've kept this from me, yes. Do I think your habit is disgusting, yes. But never do I want you to think that I would judge you or think less of you just because our lifestyles aren't the same."

You looked up from your hands. "Really?"

Ruben brought the back of your hand to his lips and kissed it. "Really. Now let's enjoy this wonderful dinner."

You felt a wave of relief wash over her. You had been so afraid of Ruben's reaction, but his response was nothing like you had expected. He was understanding and kind, and not as judgmental as you thought. You leaned over and hugged him, feeling grateful for his love and support. Maybe he could help you beat your nasty habit, surely with Ruben's support you would give quitting another try. Even if it resulted in nothing, you knew that Ruben would still love you the same, and that's what a relationship was all about!

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