Ruben Dias x Reader - My Brother's Best Friend Part 1

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Summary - Reader rencounters her brother's best friend and the two of them hit it off quite well.


Five years at university. Non stop studying, no coming home for Christmas, Easter or any other holiday. Despite all of this no one in your family had the courtesy of picking you up from the airport. Instead they sent for somone else, a stranger, your brothers best friend, Ruben.

"Y/N, you grew!" He exclaimed, when he finally pulled up to the sidewalk where you stood. He hadn't recognized you the first time he past you with his car. You had to shout his name the second time.

"I did and one day I'm gonna grow old and die."

He chuckled.

You threw your bags into the backseat of his car, settling down in the passenger seat beside him.

He was practically like family, Ruben. He and your brother had been inseprable friends since they were kids, making you the annoying third wheel.

"Only two bags?" He frowned.

You shrugged. "I'm only staying for the weekend."

"For the game?"

You nodded.

It was the first time Ruben and your brother had been allowed to represent their country in a international game. Although it was only a friendly your mother begged you to take a break from school to come down and watch it. Everyone else in your family was coming, your aunties, uncles and cousins. All coming to support your brother. You were a bit bitter that none of them had come to visit you at school before, although it had been five years since you moved.

"You hungry?" Ruben asked, once you got on the highway.

"Does your family still own a restaurant?"

"They do."

"Then I'm very hungry. A broke student who usually lives off cooked ramen can never say no to free food."

Ruben chuckled. "I would have paid for your meal even if it wasn't from my family's restaurant."

"Well thanks." You blushed.

Pulling up to Ruben's family restaurant, they all greeted you with open arms and painful pinches of your cheeks.

"Look at you!" Ruben's mother gasped. "How skinny you've become. Pãi, make her something to eat, fast!" She took a second look at you. "With a lot of meat in it!"

"I'm actually a vegan."

"You are?"

"You are?" Ruben repeated.

"Is that okay?"

His mother's expression mellowed. "Of course sweetie. I'll inform Ruben's father, see what he can do. We don't have alot of vegan opinions on the menu though."

"I'm sure anything will be fine Mrs Dias, thank you."

"I didn't know you went vegan?" Ruben said, the two of you sliding into your dining booth, sitting on the opposite side of each other.

"Sometimes I think it's the reason my family doesn't invite me to family gatherings anymore."

"That's horrible."

"I'm sure it's not the case." You protested, seeing the expression that came across his face. But in reality you had no idea.

"A plant based diet is good. I do it all the time." Ruben said.

"Eat vegan food?"

"Yes. Especially before a game. It's hard to run an average of 12k a game with a giant steak digesting in your stomach."

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