Fake Love Part 1

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Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Nothing more nothing less. But following an accident whistle vacationing in Dubai, she somehow makes her boyfriend believe that she does somthing else for a living, something that earns her way more money than she has. Her boyfriend, Ruben, is just happy to have found someone who understands him so well, someone who doesn't want him for his money since money isn't an issue for neither reader or himself. Or so thinks. Would finding out the truth ruin their newfound relationship? Readers thinks so, and does everything to keep up the lie, although it has some bad people from the Middle East looking for her.


It all began with a tragic accident. If saving a child from a fire counts as something tragic. No. The tragic part is that it happned on your first week of vacation. First week out of six, meaning you'd spend the rest of that time caring for the burn wound on your thigh. The accident happned in Dubai at the resort that you were staying. The hotel had ended a night with a magnificent firework show for all guests to partake in. However, one malfunctioning rocket sparked flames into the crowd capturing one family in their private tent. Everyone managed to escape except for a young boy. Hearing his cry, you did not hesitate to sprint through the flames, no second thought of what might have happened to you. Those worries came later.

"Mashallah. Bless you woman."

It was strange, being embraced and cared for by strangers. Turns out that the boy you saved was the nephew of a very powerful business man in the Middle East. Both the resort and family thanked you by paying for the rest of your stay, as well as all of your medical bills and any other expenses whilst you were a guest in their country. It did not end there, the family insisted on paying for your flight back home to England, business class of course. And they did not mind for you to make a longer connection in another country. They would pay for your stay there too. That's where your story begins, on a connection flight to Portugal, where you met Ruben.


You were on the plane, shifting uncomfortable in your seat, when a flight attendant came down the aisle carrying a trey with two flutes of Champagne.

"Um, we didn't order that?" You said turning to your best friend Alicia. She poked her head out from behind her seat that was more of a private booth. She shrugged, looking equally as confused at the two glasses of Champagne.

The flight attendant smiled, handing each of you a glass anyway. "It's complimentary from Mr Muhammed Siddiq." She said and disappeared with the trey down the aisle.

"Fancy." Alicia said, taking a approving sip of her drink. "So whatever you want he pays for?" She asked, talking about the arrangement that had been made by the family which child you had sacrificed your skin to save.

"Seems like it." You said, although you weren't all that comfortable having a stranger pay for your expenses. Your friend however...

"Sweet." Alicia leaned back in her seat. She pressed the button that would alert another member of the cabin crew, a man this time, dressed in a well tucked suit.

"You called Miss?"

"Yes, can we have a bottle of whatever this is?" She said, raising her glass.

"Alicia." You groaned, slightly embarrassed.

"What? You know I get nervous during long flights. Might as well order a whole bottle of alcohol."

"A bottle it is." The flight attendant nodded. He turned to you. "Anything else for you Miss?"

"Um, no. Thanks."

You waited for him to leave so that you could throw a pillow across the aisle, hitting Alicia in the head.

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