I Want You

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Summary - Ruben Dias is careful around reader because she is pregnant, however reader doesn't like it.


"Are you sure this is okay for you?" Ruben said, after bringing another pillow for your back.

"It's fine Ruben."

"Do you need more ice for your water?"

"No baby, just go already. I'll be okay."

This happened every morning when Ruben was off to training. It took him two hours to get ready these days. He'd get ready in under twenty minutes but spend the rest of the time caring for you, making sure everything was alright before he left you for the day.

"You sure?" Ruben stood in the doorframe to the living room, where you sat on the couch.

"Yes." You assured him. "Go now or you'll be late, again."

"Okay." He approached the couch to give you a kiss goodbye. "Don't forget that you can always call the front desk at the City training ground. They'll know how to reach me if something goes down."

"Ruben." You closed your eyes and sighed. "Nothing is going to go down, please stop worrying."

"Okay." He nodded although his eyes, scanned the room to make sure he left everything in reach for you, the TV remote, your hydroflask...

"Where is your phone?" He turned his head. "Is it upstairs? Do you need me to get it for you?"

"Ruben just goooo!"

"Okay, I'm going, I'm going...."

You spent the rest of the day running errands, and yes you could still do that, it was just Ruben who was over paranoid about your lack of abilities.

"But is he treating you good?" Your sister said. She was keeping you company on the phone whislt you were running around town, trying to check off your to do list.

"Of course Ruben is good to me."

"Then what's the problem?"

"Well, he doesn't seem so interested in me anymore."

"Come again." Your sister chuckled. "Didn't you say Ruben drove across town the other day just to buy you your favorite snack? He sounds pretty interested to me"

"I did and he did..."

"Then I apologize for repeating myself, but what's the problem?"

You sighed. "Ruben and I haven't slept with each other since I found out that I was pregnant and that was six months ago."

The other line went quiet.

"Hello? Sis, are you still there?"

A spark

"Yeah, I can see the problem now."

"Right. What should I do?"

"What do you mean? Obviously you should ask him about it, have you ever thought of that?"

Your sister was right. You should be brave enough to ask your boyfriend about it. Sooner than later.

Once Ruben got home that evening you welcomed him with a lovely dinner.

"Y/N, did you make all of this?" He asked, more out of concern than excitement.

"Yes, all for my baby." You smiled and pulled him down for a kiss.

"But you should have waited for me. I could have helped you."

"Ruben, it was just putting a potroast to a boil, not rocket science. Besides, I want tonight to be special." You bit your lip and pulled at Rubens collar to bring him in for a second kiss, this time you continued tracing the kisses down his neck.

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