Hate It When We Fight

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Anon on tumblr asked: Idea! Getting in a big fight with Ruben becos he just assumes you will go to his away game (maybe with Portugal?) but you never said that and you told your friend you would go to her birthday dinner that same weekend back in Manchester 


Ruben had a bad habit of assuming that you didn't have plans for the day. It didn't matter if you had a packed schedule or a long list of tasks to complete, Ruben always seemed to think that you had nothing better to do than spend time with him. Today was no different.

"Why haven't you packed your bags yet?" He asked.

"Pack my bags?" You sat comfortably on the sofa, watching TV. "Why would I do that?"

Ruben had appeared before you dressed in a full traveling kit. You had known about his away game with the Portugal's national team, but not about Ruben plan's to bring you with him.

"You're coming, aren't you?" He said. "The taxi will arrive in twenty minutes. Just pack the essentials and I'll buy you whatever you need over there."

"Ruben?" You were caught off guard by the way he adressed you, hesitating before responding. "You know I can't just pack my bags and go with you, right?"

"Why not?" He shrugged, genuinely confused.

"Um...maybe because I have plans of my own."

He snorted "What plans?"

"What plans?"

You had been planning to use that week to focus on a big project at work and your best friend had invited you for dinner tomorrow night. Ruben was well aware of this since you told him a couple of days ago. Hadn't he listened to you?"

"Y/N, it's a big game." He said. "Everyone's friends and family are gonna be there. Just pack a bag and that will be it."

"Ruben, are you not hearing me?" At this point you were getting really annoyed.

"I hear you baby, I do. But I'm sure your boss can give you a day off, can't she?"

You stood, folding your arms. "No she can't Ruben because that's not how the real world works."

"What's that's suppose to mean?" He felt the tension erupting between you.

You sighed. "Ruben it means I'm not here to tend to your every need. My days do not evolve around your life."

"I didn't say that."

"No. But you did ask me to take a day off without considering that maybe I'd want to work, not go to your game."

His response was silence, a deep frowned on his face. You felt guilty but obligated to hold your own. "I'm sorry if you counted on me to be there for you, but I won't be able to make it this time."

"I get it." He nodded, voice clogged with somthing. "I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have..." He really struggled. "...whatever you said."

"I'm really sorry baby. Will you still give me a call once you've reached the hotel?"

"Sure." He nodded, but did not meet your eye. "I will call you."

"Great, have a safe trip."

You stepped forward, expecting a kiss. Ruben however, ignored you, or perhaps didn't see you step up to him. Instead he moved on to the hallway where his bags waited.

"I guess I'll see you in three days." He mumbled.


The door slammed shut before you could finish the sentence.


Somthing very odd and unpleasant washed over you. It made you wonder, had you done somthing wrong?

For the rest of the evening you kept your phone near, expecting a call from Ruben at any moment. However there was nothing. Not a call, not a text, just radio silence. It was so unlike him, so you decided to call him yourself. However, you were immediately discarded towards his voice mail. If Ruben was upset, you thought, ignoring you was definitely not the way to handle things. Three days went by without you hearing a word from him. You would have assumed the worst if it hadn't been for the pictures his teammates took of him, posting them online.

"Whatta hell Ruben?"

It was not the warmest welcome he received upon his return. But you could never stoop so low as to ignore your boyfriend for three days just because of a small argument.

"I waited for you to call me for three days." You showed with your fingers. "Three fucking days Ruben."

"I know and I'm sorry." He muttered, leaving his suitcases at the door. He walked over to the sofa, taking a seat. "I needed time to think."

"Think about what?" You frowned.

Ruben shrugged "Us, our relationship."


You sat down next to him.

"W...what did you....did you...?"

"I thought alot about what you said, about how the real world works."

Since you hadn't really meant much by those words, you could only glare at him. "H...how does it work?" You asked nervously.

"I guess that's what I don't know. I used to know, but now I don't."

What do you mean baby?" You scooted closer, seeing how Ruben had really gone through this question in his mind. You knew how much he hated having to play football when things weren't sorted in his head. In a way you felt responsible.

"Fuck, Y/N, I owe you an apology." He sighed. "You were right. I just assumed that you didn't have any plans these three days. That you could just pack a bag, leave your life behind just to join mine. Little do I forget about the privilege I have to be able to travel the world, doing what I love. For a moment I truly assmued that my life was better than yours, that my offer was one you wouldn't say no to. What a dick move that was. I really am sorry."

"Oh Ruben." You, threw yourself at him, hugging him. He shifted his weight so that you would lay under him instead of on top of him on the sofa. He cleared your face of hair that had fallen over your eyes, bending down to kiss your lips.

"Fuck I missed you."

Butterflies invaded your stomach for Ruben looked at you like there was no one else.

"I missed you too."

He kissed you like there was no one else.

"Forgive me."

He wanted you like there was no one else.

"I forgive you."

There was no one else in the world that loved you the way Ruben did.

"Y/N, please." He pleaded. Somthing like this will never happen again." His head shifted to lay against your breast, your heart beating in his ear. Your hand stroked his cloudy hair. "I know baby, now let's just let this go."

"Okay." His eyes shut. "Just know that..." He was halfway asleep. "...I really am sorry."

As his breathing slowed down, Ruben was finally able to rest. You weren't the only one who hated it when you fought.

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