Secret Santa

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y/n and ruben are in the same friend group and have never gotten along/hate each other. the group does secret santa for christmas and ruben ends up getting y/n the most thoughtful gift ever and admits he has feelings for her 


You groaned arriving at your friend's Christmas party.

"Come on, bet it won't be that bad." Your cousin, Sasha, said. She was your plus one for the evening.

"I told you that jerk Ruben is gonna be here."


"'s gonna be that bad."

The Christmas party was in full motion when you and Sahsa arrived at the restaurant where it was held. Your friend, the host, was a well known chef in the industry. He was known for throwing luxurious parties for the rich and famous. This party however, was a more intimate gathering between close friends. There was a homily feel to the twinkling lights of the festively decorated salon.

"Y/N, you're here!" Your friend exclaimed. Li was his name. "And you brought treats." Li yanked the box of Christmas cookies that you brought, grabbing a cookie, not sparing any for his guests. "Mhmmm, delicious."

"Thanks, I baked them this morning."

"I love your Christmas cookies." He said, spitting crumbs. "Come, come! You and your cousin must have a drink at the bar. It's all on the house."

"I like the sound of that." Your cousin gladly followed Li to the bar. The two of you had become unexpected friends the day he had wandered into your bakery two years ago. Li had praised your talent for baking and your eye for gastronomic detail. After that you got swept into a lifestyle of luxurious parties thrown by Li, who loved to tend to the rich and famous, despite some of them being complete jerks. One know jerk was Ruben Dias, a famous footballer who basically fat-shamed you for making a living baking muffins. It happen at one of Li's dinner parties not too long ago. You wanted to tell Ruben off, call him a jerk to his face. The problem however is that Ruben was a close friend of Li's. His reason for attending this evening's Christmas party.

Scanning the room you spotted him, Ruben, standing by the bar, laughing loudly with a group of well dressed people. Your stomach turned at the sight of him. You quickly excused yourself, telling your cousin and Li to go ahead without you. Instead you made your way to the buffet table, grabbing a plate of hors d'oeuvres. Li could cook for any occasion and Christmas was no exception. But just as you were loading up on mini quiches and cheese and crackers, you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Ruben, holding out a brightly wrapped present.

"Hey, Y/N! I got you something for Secret Santa," he said, grinning smugly. "You know Li, he thought it'd be funny if we all played the game."

Your heart sank. What could he possibly have gotten you? Something sarcastic and mocking, no doubt. A can of diet coke? Or perhaps a gluten free muffin? God knows there was no sugar in those, a.k.a. Ruben once again indicating that you, compared to him and his rich friends, had a very unhealthy lifestyle.

"Well, aren't you gonna open it?"

He saw your hesitation with his present.

"No. Why would I?"

Ruben's expression faltered as you handed him back the neatly wrapped gift.

"But I'm your Secret Santa? We've never played this game in Portugal where I'm from, but I'm pretty sure this is how it goes, no?"

He sounded unsure, insecure even. You fought not to feel for him, convincing yourself that this was all an act. That behind those pouting lips of his lay a jerk, ready to pray on his next victim.

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