Brotherly Love Part 5

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Summary - The sequel to The Houseguest where Ruben and Reader have been dating long distance for a year. The two of them finally plans to spend a holiday together, but to Readers suprise and disappointment, Ruben brings her brother Bernardo with them.


Ruben was giving you the cold shoulder after your argument the other day. The worst part about that is now Bernardo really had him all to himself. You felt like the silly little sister, having a crush on her brother's best friend. And yes, of course you still had feelings for Ruben. To you he was the love of your life. Perhaps that's what disappointed you the most, the fact that Ruben didn't fight for your love.

"Y/N can I talk to you for a minute?" Thomas asked, urging you to take a walk with him in the backyard.

"What's up?"

Believe it or not, it was the first time Thomas had adressed you by name during your entire stay at the villa. For the most part he had been avoiding eye contact with you and acted quite anxiously whenever you were around you. Which was odd because despite how strange it was that your sister was dating your first love, you had zero problems with it. Their feelings for each seemed real which was a miracle in itself considering how cazy Anita was.

"I wanted to ask you somthing?" Thomas said as the two of you paced in the backyard, away from the villa.

"Ask me what?"

"Well...usually I'm meant to go to your parents for this question but to me your opinion matters too."

"Okay... my opinion of what? Why are you being weird Thomas?"

"I'm not being weird I'm just nervous."

You chuckled. "Nervous about what?"

He took a deep breath.

You frowned, realizing what a train wreck he actually was. "It's okay Thomas, you can tell me." You reassured.

He nodded. "I want to ask your sister to merry me, but I won't ask her unless it's okay with you."

You froze, stupefied by the question. Such a big question.

"Thomas I....I don't think...."

"You don't have to give me an answer right now. I'm not planning on doing it until we get back home. But I want you to at least think about it. And perhaps not tell Bernardo about it."

"Tell Bernardo about what?"

Just then he wandered into the backyard, Bernardo, with grocery bags in his hands. You could see Ruben by the car, unloading more bags.

"Tell me what Thomas?" He said, putting down the groceries. He had overhead your conversation or at least the last part of it.

"I....I was talking to your sister."

"Yeah, I know. But you said my name didn't you?"

"I did but...."

"What we were talking about is none of your business Bernardo." You defended.

It was true, Bernardo was terrible at keeping secrets. You understood why Thomas wanted to keep his plans to propose to Anita exclusively between the two of you.

"But if he told you he could tell me, no?" Bernardo argued, like the child he was. Needless to say his behavior often rubbed off on you too.

"What he said has nothing to do with you."

"Great, so why does it matter if he tells me or not?"



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