Top Spies Part 3

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Ruben and Reader are super spies, who have to pretend to be a married couple on vacation as a co-signed mission. A enemies to lovers fic, very sweet and funny!


 You woke up to somthing heavy pressing you down against the matress. Somthing heavy and warm.

"Ruben, get off me."

So he was a heavy sleeper. Not a very good trait for a crime fighting agent.

"Ruben please, I can't feel my legs."

A low grunt was the only sign of life coming from him. Trying to stirr him awake only made it worse. Ruben's grip around your body tightened as his face snuggled into the fabric of your shirt, which by the way, was starting to rise above your hips, revealing more of you than you ever wished for Ruben to see.

Suddenly there was heavy knocking on your hotel door.

"It's the hotel manager!" The voice behind the knock said. A female voice.

"Ruben, somone is..."

You had to say no more. Ruben's grip around your was gone and so was the weight of him. The knocking doors woke him up as if he had selective hearing.

"I'm sorry to disturb you this early Mr and Mrs Moreno, but it is very important!"

"Wait here." Ruben said, faster than you to get up and out of bed. His face looked sprung woke, his hair pointing in every direction. He ran a hand through it on his way to the door. You were right behind.

"I told you to wait in bed." He frowned.

"I'm not your real wife Ruben, don't tell me what to do."

He shook his head but stretched to open the door, revealing a tall woman dressed in suit and tie.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Moreno. I am sorry to disturb your sleep this early in the morning, but I have received some very urgent information about your stay here at Resort de la Martinez.

"What information?" Ruben said, a hand held behind his back.

Who sleeps with a gun strapped to their sweatpants, you thought. Either way, the woman did not look the slightest intimidate by Ruben's lack of hospitality, the opposite really.

"If I may introduce myself Mr and Mrs Moreno, my name is Beatrice Sanchez the manger of this resort.

"Yeah, and what do you want?" Ruben frowned.

"My boss has requested to invite you to stay at his villa as his personal guests."

Ruben looked to you and you looked to him. He turned back to the woman. "I'll have to discuss this with my wife, thanks."

The woman lunged forward, preventing Ruben from shutting the hotel door in her face. "I'm afraid there won't be much of a discussion. My boss insists that you and your wife be his guests at the villa. He is very thankful for what you did for his nephew the other night."

Again, Ruben shot you a puzzled look. The boy who's life he had saved at dinner turned out to be the nephew to one of Portugals most infamous druglords.

"Our staff will have your things escorted as soon as you're ready, the woman, Beatrice, said. She bowed her head, leaving you and Ruben with no other option.

"What do we do?" You asked Ruben as he shut the hotel door.

"Call Captain Harlow. Tell him that there's been useful developments in our mission and that we need more equipment."

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