Sick Ruben

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Summary - Reader takes care of a sick Ruben Dias.


You woke up to daylight slipping through the window blinds and somthing warm burning your back.

"Ruben?" You groaned and turned around to find your boyfriend sleeping peacefully beside you. The only problem was that his body was burning up. You put a hand to his forhead but quickly withdrew it. A quiet gasp left your mouth. "Ruben wake up. I think you've got a fever."

His eyebrows furrowed as you tried to stir him awake.

"Please wake up."

"My head." He groaned.

"I'll go downstairs and get the thermometer."

Ruben tried to move as you slipped out of bed. However he was too weak to even lay on his back.

You headed downstairs and returned with the thermostat, a glass of water and somthing for Rubens headache.

"Here baby, swallow this." You said, handing Ruben the small pill.

"What is it?" He struggled to open his eyes and look at you.

"Just swallow it baby, it will help with your headache."

Ruben manage to take one look at the pill before curling his lip. "I don't need it." He muttered.

"Of course you don't." You sighed. Ruben hated appearing weak. Pain was something he was taught to endure, however right now you were worried that things were going to get worse unless he let you take care of him.

"Baby please. Do it for me?"

He sighed, but stretched out his hand for you to put the pill in.

"Thank you." You bent down to kiss his cheek, then left Ruben to rest as you got dressed and headed back downstairs. You arrange with your boss so that you could work from home for the day. Somthing told you that you would have to keep an extra eye out for Ruben who hated being sick.

It was all going well. Ruben was sleeping peacefully upstairs whilst you prepared to bring him his meal. Then all of a sudden you heard a loud thud above your head, like somthing being dropped to the floor.


You dropped everything and rushed towards the stairs.

"Ruben what is...?" You stopped in the frame of your bedroom door, shook by the scene you were met with. His clothes were scattered across the floor and drawer boxes had been pulled out from their frames. Ruben sat on the floor in the middle of the room, tugging at a pair of man city socks to go onto his feet.

"Ruben?" You addressed him in your calmest most patient voice. "Why are you getting dressed in your training gear?"

"Oh hey baby. " Ruben turned his head, suprised to see you. "Didn't know you were coming to watch me today. Did Bernardo drive you here?"

" sweetie, he didn't." You approached him slowly, clearly Ruben had been strucked by a feverish daze of some sort, because he never left for training dressed in his gear, he would always change clothes at the training grounds, and besides, Ruben wasn't leaving anywhere today with a 40 degrees fever.

"Ruben do you know where you are right now?" You knelt down before him. His gaze remained on his feet where he was still struggling with his left sock. His forhead was dabbed with sweat but his body trembled a little as he shivered.

"Ruben? I said, do you know where you are right now?" You stretched out a hand to touch him but Ruben jumped back, eyes full of fear.

"Hey. It's just me." You said, holding up your hands before you. "Your girlfriend."

Ruben Dias - One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ