Good Luck Charm

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Ruben is upset for getting knocked out of the ucl and blames it on Reader.


You walked through the door, heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Having watched the replay of the match on the plane, you anticipated what was to come. Ruben would be upset for sure. It was such and important game to him. Telling him about closing your first major deal at work would have to wait.

You stepped into the dimly lit apartment, announcing your arrival. "I'm home!"

Your voice bounced off the walls with the echo, however there was no response.


You search for him in the kitchen without any luck.

"Hello? Is anyone..."

You paused in the frame to the living room. Ruben was sitting on the couch, his arms crossed, scowling at the TV.

"Hey, babe," You said, trying to sound cheerful. "When did you get in?"

He shrugged his shoulders, not giving you a second glance. You stepped out of your heels and approached the couch. "I've missed you." You crawled over to him, planting a kiss on Ruben's cheek before settling down beside him. "Have you eaten yet?"

"No." He grunted.

"Well, do you want me to make you something, or should we just order take out?"

Ruben turned to you, eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" You chuckled. He looked a bit intimidating, but since it was unusual for him to be as grumpy as he was, your reaction was to laugh.

"Take out?" He questioned. "Since when do we order take out?"

"I dunno. I thought maybe it would cheer you up. A pizza always puts a smile on my face."

Ruben snorted. "You're fucking unbelievable."

"Hey?" You frowned.

Ruben left your side and got up from the couch.

"Baby, what's the matter?"

"Don't 'hey babe' me," He snapped. "My team lost today. And it's all your fault."

"What do you mean?" You asked, trying to keep her cool. "How could it be my fault?"

"You know how," Ruben said, his voice rising. "You're my good luck charm. And when you're not there, I always lose."

You sighed, having heard this before. You had tried explaining to Ruben that you couldn't be present at every game, but he never listened. He was convinced that you had some kind of magical power that could influence the outcome of sports events.

"Look, I'm sorry, Ruben," You said, trying to placate him. "I really am. But I can't be at every game. I have a job and a life of my own."

Ruben scowled at you. "You never understand anything," he said. "You're always so fucking selfish."

You felt a sting of hurt. You had never meant to be selfish. You had always tried to be supportive of Ruben and his sports career. But it seemed like no matter what you did, it was never enough.

"I'm sorry, Ruben," you said again, your voice shaking. "I'll try to be there for you more often, okay?"

Ruben glared at you for a moment, then stormed off to your room, slamming the door behind him. You were left alone in the living room, feeling hurt and frustrated. You didn't know what to do or what to say when he got like this. Ruben was upset, and rightfully so. Perhaps giving him space was the best thing you could do.

That night, Ruben stayed in your room, leaving you enjoy the evening by yourself. You took yilour time in the shower after dinner and only then dared to enter your bedroom. The room was dark. Ruben lay on the bed with his back to you. You let your towel fall to the floor as you put lotion on your body before jumping into your pajamas, which was just one of Ruben's t-shirts that were big enough for you to sleep in. It smelled like him, which you loved. And you had a feeling that Ruben wouldn't like being near you for a while, so the smell of him would have to do.

"I'm sorry."

You were surprised.

As soon as you slipped under the bed cover, you felt movement behind you, followed by Ruben's arm snaking around your waist, pulling you to lay closer to him.

"I'm sorry for what I said." He whispered, his lips gracing the side of your temple.

"It's okay." You nodded. "I get it. I can't imagine how...."

"No." He groand. "What I said to you was unforgivable no matter how angry I am about the game."

"Ruben." You turned to face him. You could only make out the silhoutte of his face, nevertheless your hand went to rest on his cheek. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean any of it."

"I love." He said.

"I love you too."

Ruben's hand went from your waist to the back of your head, tilting it backwards as he leaned forward and kissed you. His stubble tickled your face, the smell of him invading your space.

"I meant what I said though" He nodded.

"Oh. Well I didn't mean to be selfish, but my job..."

"Not that."

"No? What then?"

There was a puase. You could tell that Ruben's eyes searched your face. He sighed. "You're my good luck charm, Y/N. I really mean that."

You smiled.

"I want you with me every game and I know that's selfish of me but it's what I want. It's what I need."

"You need..."

"You." He nodded. "I play better when I know you're watching."

"Ruben, that's...." The sweetest thing a person has ever told you. However, you weren't able to express your joy as Ruben leaned forward again, pressing his lips against yours. This time, he pressed you harder against him, desperate to have you close. You felt him grow stiff against you and gasped at the sensation of his hand, snaking its way under your shirt, cupping your breast.

"Ruben." You moaned. "I love you. More than anything."

"I love you too." He said, but for the moment he loved your body more, doing absolutely everything to expose it.

Your shirt got tugged over your head and tossed into a corner somewhere. Ruben had already moved to tracing kisses down your belly, not stopping until his head rested between your legs. That's where he paused, looking up at you, his eyes now clear in the night.

"What?" Your hand lay on top of his head, gripping a bundle of his hair.

Ruben smiled. "So, how was work?"

You shook your head in disbelief, "Just finish me off, you superstitious idiot."

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