Friends With Benefits part 5

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Summary - Reader and Ruben have been in a friends with benefits situation for over three years now, with Reader eventually looking for something more serious. But what does Ruben want?


You stared at your phone screen, contemplating whether to answer the incoming call from Ruben. Although you finally deleted his number from your contacts you knew his number by heart.


"Can we talk?"

His deep voice sparked through the phone, reflecting the late hour that it was. You lay in bed, so was probably Ruben. He never went out before a match day. You hated the fact that you knew that.

"There is nothing for us to talk about, Ruben." You put away the book that you were reading, adjusting yourself to sit up in bed.

"Does he know about us?"

"Who, Joshua?"

"Yes. Does he know that I used to make you scream my name while your pussy clenched around my fingers."

"Yeah, I'm hanging up now."

"Wait!" Ruben's laughter drummed in your ear. "What happened to your sense of humor, Y/N?"

"The same thing that happened to your chances of getting back with me."

"Ahhh, I'm glad you haven't lost your sharp tounge. It's what I miss the most about you."

You closed your eyes and sighed. "What do you want Ruben?"

"I asked you a question didn't I?"

"Which was...?"

"Does, what's his name, know about us?"

"Yes, Joshua knows it's completely over between the two of us."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, so with that being said, goodnight Ruben."

"You know he doesn't deserve you right?"

You were about to hang up, your thumb hovering above the red button.

"And you do?" The audacity of Ruben's question made you hesitate.

"Y/N, I...."

"What Ruben, say it."

Ruben's voice was distinctive, unrecognizable somehow.

"Y/N, you know I know I've always..."

"You've always loved me? Is that what you're trying to say?"

There was silence on the other end of the line. Silence that made you question everything you've worked so hard to forget, like the good about Ruben, the sweet moments you shared, the many laughuters and the many many passionate nights.

"Look Ruben." You sighed. There was still silence on his end, but the soft breathing noises told you that he was still there, that he was still listening. "Like I said before, you don't know the first thing about love. All you know is how to fuck me. Please don't call this number again, goodnight."

You hung up, slapping a pillow against your face, silencing the unwanted cries.

Gameday. You wouldn't let what was going on between you and Ruben ruin gameday. You were a big City fan before the team even thought of signing him.

"Here you go." Joshua said, handing you your beer, sliding into the booth to sit next to you.

"Do you think City will beat Bayern?" He asked, bringing his thumb to caress your cheek.

"I dunno?" You muttered.

Joshua's brows furrowed, seeing your gaze falter.

"You, okay?"

You looked up, forcing a smile.

"Hey guys! Are you excited for the game?" Tina appeared, removing her jacket as she slid into your booth.

"Bayerns got City for sure." Said her boyfriend, Johnny, settling down two pints of beer on the table, joining you as well.

"Okay, well I got City for the win." Joshua said. "You, Tina, who you got...?"

"City. Johnny got Bayern and Y/N....?"

"City." You squealed, intentionally ignoring Tina's raised brow.

"It's settled then. To a good game." Joshua made everyone raise their glasses. "Cheers!"




As the game started everyone's eyes were glued to the television. Minutes turned into hours as the intense match escalated, bringing the crowd to their feet. Suddenly, in the heat of the game, a deafening hush fell over the bar as Ruben, of all people, went in for a crucial tackle. The force of the impact was jarring, and Ruben collapsed onto the ground, clutching his head in agony.

You tried to hide the gasp that escaped your mouth. You had been doing it all night, hiding the fact that you were only watching Ruben. Now your heart pounded in your chest as fear gripped you. Joshua, Tina and Johnny were equally as shocked, their eyes wide with concern. The entire bar fell silent, waiting with bated breath for any sign of Ruben's recovery. Time seemed to stand still as medics rushed to Ruben's side, their urgency painting a vivid picture of the gravity of the situation. Your mind raced, heart breaking at the sight of Ruben lying motionless on the field.

The silence was shattered by the roar of an ambulance siren, piercing the heavy air, as it rushed onto the pitch.

"Y/N, you okay?" Joshua asked. You had grabbed his hand at some point, clenching it too hard.

"Yes, I..." You were lost for words. "I..."

News spread quickly through the bar, and worried whispers filled the room.

"Go to him!" Tina said.


"You should go to him." She nodded.

You shifted to Joshua, he looked booth terrified and confused.

"Don't worry." Tina stretched forwards, grabbing your hand. "I'll explain it to him, but you should go."

You nodded, grabbing your jacket and rising from your chair. You looked to Joshua, a wave of guilt washing over you.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to..."

You turned your back on him, pushing past the cluster of people and ran out of the bar.

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