Top Spies Part 2

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Ruben and Reader are super spies, who have to pretend to be a married couple on vacation as a co-signed mission. A enemies to lovers fic, very sweet and funny!


"Mr and Mrs Moreno, your room is ready!

Captain Harlow had you and Ruben fly out to Madeira the same evening that you received the mission. You and Ruben arrived at the hotel just before dinner time.

"You can have the bed, I'll take the couch." Ruben said, as you entered your neat little suit. It was a five star hotel so even the cheapest rooms looked expensive.

"Don't be silly. Housekeeping we'll be coming in and out of this room all the time. They'll think it's strange if they find bedding on the couch. It's best we don't do anything that will draw any unusual attention to ourselves."

Ruben just grunted in response and disappeared into the bathroom.

He's just mad because he knows you're right, you thought. Many men were like that. Too blinded by their egos.

You heard Ruben run the shower water. You told him not to take too long and that you'd go ahead down to the hotel restaurant and reserve a table for dinner. It was a fancy place, not just hotel guest dining there.

"Table for two Mrs Moreno?" The waiter at the door asked.

"Yes, that would be great thanks."

"Right this way."

You followed the waiter through the restaurant and towards your table. He left you with the drink menu and assured that he'd send your husband this way once he arrived.

"What's that you're wearing darling? Such a beautiful dress."

At one point whilst you were waiting, a lady accompanied by her family, leaned over from the next table to complement the dress you were wearing.

"Thank you. It's Alexander Mcqueen."

It was a sleevless red gown that hugged your shape like and hourglass.

"It's lovely. I think he likes it too." She winked.

You frowned, not sure who she was reffering to. That is, until a giant shadow was casted before your table.


You looked up. His gaze was intense and no trace of a smile or amusement on his face.

"Please, sit." You said as he kept staring at you in that intimidating way. At least he dressed up, you thought. Suit and tie. And shaved.

"The waiter hasn't come by yet. He said he would wait for you."

Ruben nodded his head and disappeared behind his menu.

You rolled your eyes and prayed for the girl that would end up marrying Ruben in real life. What a pain.

Observing the crowd you noticed that there weren't many families at the hotel. Only a few young people. The youngest, seated at the table next to you, with the lady that had leaned over to complement your dress.


You jumped as Ruben's foot nudged yours under the table. He was looking up from his menu, noticing your drifting gaze.

"The people here.....They are..."

"All guests of Alejandro Martinez." He confirmed.

"How do you know?"

A complecant smile twitched the corner of his lips. "I hacked into the front desk computer."

"How? I was with you when we checked in."

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