Set Me Free Part 6

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Ruben and Carla have grown apart. With Rubens career taking off he leaves Portugal to live the life of his dreams, breaking Carla's heart doing so. Years later, upon his return home, Ruben learns that Carla has moved on, happily engaged to another man, but not any man, Ruben's childhood bully João Mendes.


Christmas, three years ago,

It was still early in the morning. However, Carla's father entered the kitchen to see his daughter already up and about.

"Carla, what's this?"

His eyes widened at the state of the room. Wrapping paper lay tossed onto the kitchen floor, along with men's shoes and clothing.

"Pai, you're up! Good morning."

Carla barely threw her father a second glance, as she was too invested in the activity of wrapping more gifts.

"What has happened to my kitchen?" Her father exclaimed. All he wanted was to make a fresh cup of coffee. But how on earth would he even make it to the kitchen counter with all the unwrapped items on the floor?

"Oh, sorry." Carla said. "I'll clean it up once I'm done."

"But querida, why are you wrapping more gifts? I thought your mother already put everything under the tree last night?"

"Yes, but those gifts are for uncle Martin and aunt Carolina."

"But my dear, why do you feel the need to spoil your cousin this way? I thought we all agreed to cover your cousin's tuition fee for flight attendant school as a Christmas present this year?"

"Pai," Carla chuckled. "These gifts aren't for Maria."

He scratched his head. "No, who are they for then?"

"They're for Ruben."



Carla had been so excited leading up to Christmas. She hadn't seen Ruben in months since her decision to move back home from England. Their talks over the phone just wouldn't do anymore, so when Ruben told her that he was coming home for Christmas, Carla was simply over the moon, rushing to buy him gifts.

"Carla?" Her father said, clearing his throat. He had fallen silent for a moment, regarding his daughter with a troubled expression. "Are you sure he is coming?"

"Of course." She chuckled. "Ruben is coming for Christmas, he said so himself."


"What do you mean?"

Carla paused the gift wrapping, noticing the look on her father's face.

He cleared his throat once more.

"When did he tell you that he was coming, since neither your mother and I have been informed."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was so wrapped up in buying him gifts that it must have slipped my mind to tell you."

"I see." Her father muttered.


"Nothing, nothing." He waved.

"No, tell me dad. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing querida, I just don't want you to be disappointed again."

Carla's parents were accepting of her and Ruben's decision to try long distance, however, it wasn't the first time that Ruben promised to come visit for the holidays but ultimately failed to follow through. And each time left Carla heartbroken, leaving her family to pick up the pieces.

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