Lost In Sardinia Part 1

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This was request from tumblr. I'm making it an eight part series.


Fiorella beat the sunrise as she was already out of bed. She draped on the summerdress she wore yesterday, picturing her nonna's taunting voice, "Ladies never wear the same attire twice Fiorella. It's important that you learn this if you wish to find a man to marry someday."

To that Fiorella would say, "Nonna, does a man wish to marry a dress or the woman wearing the dress?"

"Don't be silly Rella, a man is marrying the woman wearing the dress."

"That decides it then. I will marry a man wearing nothing but my birthday suit. That way I'll be sure he's marrying me and only me."

Her grandmother would then shush her out of the house, muttering "That girl. Why can't she be more like her sisters?"

Fiorella tipped her way down the stairs in an attempt not to wake her family. Her black labrador, Pluto, raised his head at the sight of her.

"It's time, Pluto." She whispered.

He rose to his paws, tail swiping in the air with his excitement. The two left the house, Fiorella on her bike with Pluto running alongside it.

Fiorella had always loved the thrill of diving into the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Growing up in a tiny village on the west coast of Sardinia, she had spent countless hours exploring the underwater world, searching for hidden treasures and discovering the secrets of the sea.

On this sparkling morning, as the sun began to rise, Fiorella ventured into the depths once again, her heart filled with the excitement of what she might find. As she weaved through the swaying seagrass and the playful fish, she spotted a small boat floating above her. Curiosity piqued, Fiorella swam closer, her dark curls trailing behind her like ribbons in the water. She peeked above the surface and saw a man sitting in the boat. He appeared to be gazing intently at the horizon, lost in his own thoughts. Fiorella surfaced gently, trying not to startle the man. She suspected him to be a tourist, drawn to the beauty of her village's coast. But as she swam closer and looked upon his striking features, she knew he was no ordinary visitor. His hazel eyes sparkled with hidden stories, and a subtle smile played on his lips. He possessed an air of mystery that fascinated her.

Without thinking twice, Fiorella impulsively decided to make him feel welcome, embracing the Sardinian hospitality that ran in her blood. She emerged from the water onto the docks, her petite frame dripping water onto the aging wood.

The man turned his gaze towards her, startled by her sudden appearance.

"Buongiorno." She smiled.

His eyes traveled from her head to her toes, stopping to stare at her dripping curls. "Can I help you?"

"It's a lovely morning, no?" The man spoke to her in English. However Fiorella didn't mind. She liked speaking English with tourist, it was the best way to learn. "And, you're suppose to say Buongiorno."

"Huh?" The man looked puzzled.

"It means good morning." She said, taking a look around as she stood on the docks. It was a nice boat, not suitable for fishing, but still nice.

"I know what it means." The man muttered, he looked tired, perhaps not an early riser like her.

"So why didn't you say it?"

He raised his brow, startled by how frank she was. Her parents hated when she did that, teasing the tourist, but it's what all the locals did.

"Perhaps we should try again? Buongiorno, I'm Fiorella, who are you?"

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