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December 14, X804

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The door unlocks.

"Hi, Erik!" Hisui spoke.


I kiss her hand.

"You ready for our date?"

"Of course. What are we doing?"

"You'll see. Shall we?"

I gesture to my car.

"We shall."

I offered my hand while we walked to my car. I drove us to a-

"A carnival?"

"Yes, a carnival. Please don't tell me you hate it."

"I LOVE it!"


"I love carnivals! All the rides and games. I don't get to do that as much now that I'm queen."

"Well, let's have the time of our lives!"

I took Hisui on all the rides and all the games they offered. I won many prizes for her since my competitiveness came over me. And when I say many, I mean a wagon full. Of course, she didn't take all of it. She won a few for me as well. At this moment, we were on the Ferris wheel.

"Hey, thank you so much for this date."

"No, thank you for giving me another chance."

"I understand why you left. I just wished you told me or not avoided me."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I thought you would behead me or something if you saw me again."

"You thought I would do that?"

"I don't know. I'm making up crap at this point."

"Hey, do you know what your soulmate's status is?"

"Single. And you?"


"I saw on the news you were engaged to that King Merrick guy?"

"Ah, yes."

"What happened there? He looked like a great guy."

"He was, but I didn't love him."


"It started as an arranged marriage my father made me do because he was upset that I was 31 years old and still single. Merrick was against it also until we developed a crush on each other. After the results of our status, we agreed we wanted to be with our soulmates."

"So, the Merrick situation was just forced?"

"I supposed so. Are you relieved?"

"Well, I didn't expect to be going on a date with you after that. But when I saw Merrick, I was shocked. He is exceptionally good-looking."

"Wow, exceptionally good-looking? Coming from you? That's a shocker. Oh my gosh. You were jealous!"

"Was not!"

"Was, too!"

And somehow, our lips were only centimeters apart.

"Do you mind if I kiss you?" I ask while I hold her chin.

She leaned forward, and our lips met with each other. Fireworks exploded in the sky while we were at it. That wasn't a metaphor. There were actual fireworks at the carnival.

"Hey, that couple is making out!" I hear teenagers comment.

I ignored them because I was too focused on Hisui. As our kiss was about to go further, the Ferris wheel sadly ended. We returned to my car, and there was an awkward silence.

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