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Cana POV

I am not okay. I need help. I chugged 3 gallons of water until Mirajane barged into the guild hall.

"Cana!" she called out.

"Hey, Mirajane."

"What happened?!"

"Lyon told me he loved me."

"Why'd you walk out on him."

"I don't know. I like him. I didn't expect him to say he loved me. Didn't he declare his love for Juvia? I'm freaking out here, Mira!"

"Calm down, Cana. Calm down."

"That's not all. I'm pregnant with his child."

"Woah. For how long? Are you going to keep it?"

"I don't know. We had sex many times before. I still don't know if I'm ready to be a mom yet. I have so many things I want to do. I can't settle down. I'm 21, for Mavis' sake! We used condoms!"

"Cana, breathe. Have you gone to Dr. Dreyar yet?"

"Not yet."

"Come on, let's go to her first."

Mirajane dragged me out of my seat and took me to the infirmary. Cassandra was providing me with an ultrasound and told me some news.

"Congratulations, you're eight weeks pregnant! Your fetus is about the size of a black bean. Do you know who the father is?"

"Yes, Lyon Vastia. He's the ice mage from Lamia Scale."

"Will you be informing him about this?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you. I'm still not sure if I should keep the baby or not. I don't think I'm ready to be a mom yet. There are so many things I want to do. And I don't think my dad would approve of this." I explained.

"Don't worry. I think you should talk to your dad before considering an abortion. If you want, I can talk to him for you."

"Yes, please. Thank you so much."

"Of course, now rest up. And congratulations."

"Can you give me a minute, Mirajane?" I asked Mira.

"Sure, I'll be outside." Mirajane left, and I faced Cassandra.

"Look, I don't know what's happened with you and my dad. But he is messed up right now. He is drinking more often and forgetting a lot of things. He even forgot if he drank water or ate food. And he broke a lot of punching bags. They're into sand and pieces."

"How do you know about us?"

"I figured. He hangs out with you a lot."

"Well, I used to live with him when I came here. He even built a second floor to his house for me. The day I was going to tell him I loved him, he asked me to move out. And that's why I came to Fairy Hills. I have been crying every night over him. We weren't dating, but it felt like a breakup."

"I don't know the details. But I think you should tell him you love him. I know he loves you back. And I wouldn't mind if you were my mom."

"Oh, Cana. Do you want my opinion about the baby and the baby's dad as your friend?"

"Yes, please."

"I think you should tell Lyon, and then you can discuss it there. Your dad will be happy with whatever decision you make. It's about you. Now my advice as a friend is done."

"Okay, thanks. By the way, he's at his house right now."

Lyon POV

What just happened? I told her I loved her, and she left. I thought she loved me back- I guess not. Of course, she wouldn't. I'm so stupid.

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