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Cana POV

A few months later...

"No, I am not having another child. The first one was painful enough."

"Please, baby. You love being a mother!"

"And I love being a young woman more! You're going to have to wait a few years. I need to establish my adulthood."

"You're already a successful wizard. What else can you do?"

"I don't know! But I know I want to live as a young adult for a little longer. I'm only 21 if you don't count the extra six to seven years!"

"You're technically 28, and I am 29. You're considered 21. That'd make us eight years apart."

"What has that got to do with anything?"

"I want a family with you! If we wait too long, we won't be able to do that. You know the doctors said I have a low sperm count."

"I'm sorry, baby. You're right. I do love being a mom. Let's wait a few months to start again."

Lyon POV

After about a year of marriage, Cana and I expect baby number two. I started having pain for a week now- it's probably me turning old. Cana is currently seven months and two weeks pregnant, and I will be a father of two.

"AAAAH." I hear Cana screaming.

I rush into the next room to see water on the floor.

"What happened?!"

"I think my water broke."

"What?! But you're only 32 weeks!"

"I'm in premature labor. We have to go to the hospital now!"

"Okay, okay, we prepared for this."

I hastily grabbed all our things and was about to exit the door before Cana stopped me.

"Hey, we're having another child." She reminded me.

"We're having another child. Kai? Where are you, buddy?"

"Here, Dada!" Kai waddles in the living room.

"Hey there, buddy! Are you ready to have your baby sibling?" I scoop him up in my arms.


We walk downstairs to head to the hospital. They put Cana in a wheelchair and escorted her into a labor/delivery room. I was right by her side while Kai was taken to the daycare. Cassandra walks into the room to check on Cana.

"A month late for your first baby. Now you're two months early for your second. How ironic." Cassandra jokes.

"Lucky me, is Dad coming?" Cana asked.

"Yes, he's on his way. Okay. You're four centimeters dilated, so sit back and relax while the contractions fight you."

"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER-oh, there she is." Gildarts interrupts.

"Dad, you're here! Where's Evalina and Luca?"

"Master Makarov and Porlyusica are taking care of them. I love my kids, but I cannot handle another second with them."

"And that's why I'm your favorite. No offense, Cassandra."

"None taken. Okay, I need to check on other patients, but let the nurses know if you need anything." Cassandra left the room, and Gildarts turned to Lyon.

"So...you knocked up my daughter again? And didn't even invite me to your wedding?" Gildarts backed Lyon against the wall.

"I'm sorry, sir. The wedding was unexpected, and I always wanted to have kids. It was all in love."

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