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Happy POV

December, X793

Christmas was coming up. I was giving fish to everybody except for Carla. I knew Carla loved Darjeeling tea, so I got her a bundle! I hope she likes it!

Christmas Day

"Merry Christmas, Carla! I got you a gift!"

I gave Carla a present. She opened it with no expression.

"Oh, wow. Thank you, Happy." She says to me. Her tone seemed sad.

"Do you not like it?"

"No, I like it. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you, too." And she walked away.

Ever since I met Carla, I have always liked her. She knew that but insisted she didn't feel the same way. I would do whatever it takes for her to be happy- and hopefully, make her like me. Christmas was a bust- let's try New Year's!

New Year's Day


"Happy New Year's."

"Do you want some fish?"

"You can have it."

"Okay, thanks!"

Valentine's Day...

"Would you like to dance with me, Carla?"

"I'm good."

"Why not?"

"I don't feel like dancing."

"Oh, that's a shame. Maybe later?"


I danced with Wendy instead of Carla. At least Wendy was in a better mood.

"Hey, Wendy. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure! What's up, Happy?"

"Is Carla okay? I feel like she's been down lately."

"How so?"

"I gave her Darjeeling tea for Christmas, and she didn't seem too excited. And today, I asked her to dance, but she said she didn't feel like dancing."

"That's odd. I don't know. She could be acting like Carla."

"Maybe- I thought she warmed up to me by now."

"She did, so maybe she's just feeling down."

"Okay, thanks, Wendy!"

"Of course!"

St. Patrick's Day

"Happy St. Patrick's Day, Carla!"

"Huh? Oh yeah, happy St. Patrick's Day."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine- why?"

"You seem gloomy."

"Oh, apologies about that."

"All good."

At least we had some conversation.

Carla's Birthday

"Happy birthday, Carla! I hope you have a great birthday!"

"Thanks, Happy. I sure will."

"What are you going to do for your birthday?"

"I don't know. I have to work."

"On your birthday?"

"Work comes first."

"That's sad. Well, have a good birthday!"

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