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Mirajane POV

It's official. Laxus and I are finally dating! I've been waiting for this to happen for years. My miscarriage got us closer but sometimes made things worse. I wish I didn't use my magic. I guess it would've died from the burning anyway. Me and Laxus are happy now, and I don't want to change things.

It's been five months since my miscarriage, and here's a few of what happened:
-Lisanna and Bickslow became official
-Lucy is pregnant
-Porlyusica told Makarov about Cassandra
-Levy gave birth to her beautiful baby, Emma.
-Gajeel and Levy get married
-Bisca is pregnant again
-Romeo and Wendy started dating
-Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Games again
-Freed and Minerva hooked up during GMG
-Lyon and Cana started talking to each other
[These aren't in order.]

Many things happened in five months. I'm so excited about what the future holds.

"Can you believe it?" Laxus comes into my room.

"What happened?"

"Mr. Lyon Vastia asked Cana out, and she walked out on him."

"WHAT?! She didn't answer him?"

"Yeah! They had sex, and he said he loved her. She froze and left!"

"No way. I need to go talk to her!"

I kissed him bye and searched for Cana. When I reached the guild hall, I saw Cana chugging 3 gallons of water!


"Hey, Mirajane."

"What happened?!"

"Lyon told me he loved me."

"Why'd you walk out on him?"

"I don't know. I like him. I didn't expect him to say he loved me. Didn't he declare his love for Juvia? I'm freaking out here, Mira!"

"Calm down, Cana. Calm down."

"That's not all. I'm pregnant with his child."

"Woah. For how long? Are you going to keep it?"

"I don't know. We had sex many times before. I still don't know if I'm ready to be a mom yet. I have so many other things I want to do. I can't settle down. I'm only 21, for Mavis' sake!"

"Cana, breathe. Have you gone to Dr. Dreyar yet?"

"Not yet."

"Come on, let's go to her first." I dragged Cana out of her seat and then headed to the infirmary.

"Congratulations, you're eight weeks pregnant! Your fetus is about the size of a black bean. Do you know who the father is?"

"Yes, Lyon Vastia. He's the ice mage from Lamia Scale."

"Ah, I've heard of him. Is he your boyfriend?"

"Not exactly. We're just friends with benefits. Like Mirajane and Laxus."

"I see. Will you be informing him about this?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you. I'm still not sure if I should keep the baby or not. I don't think I'm ready to be a mom yet. There are so many other things I want to do. And I don't think my dad would approve of this."

"Don't worry. I think you should talk to your dad before considering an abortion. If you want, I can talk to him for you."

"Yes, please. Thank you so much."

"Of course, now rest up. And congratulations."

After the checkup, I walked Cana home and stayed the night at her place. In the morning, I went back to the guild for work. I'd been working for a few hours until I felt big arms wrapping around my waist and their head on my shoulder.

"Hey, Laxus."

"Where were you."

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. I was at Cana's place. Hope you don't mind."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

I turned around and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I tried to move away, but he wouldn't budge.

"I'm afraid you must pay your debt for leaving me."

"Come on, Laxus. I have to work. It's a busy day. I'll make it up to you tonight."

"No, because we have a job we're supposed to do."

"Right, I'll do whatever you want me to do tomorrow then," I whisper in his ear.

"Fine." He finally lets go of me. He looked sad, so I pecked his cheeks, forehead, nose, and lips.

At their job...

"What was the job again?" I ask Laxus. For some reason, he was wearing something formal to a job request.

"We have to go to this place and retrieve an item from them. It's worth a lifetime of jewels. That's why it has a high payment."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Well, it can go two ways. We retrieve the item, or we die."

"Oh, wow. Okay then."

We reached the place, and what I saw was unbelievable. It was a gazebo covered in fairy lights, surrounded by an enchanted lake. There were fireflies, glowing flowers, and butterflies. It was breathtaking.

"Laxus, what is this."

"Dance with me."

He then takes my hand. We begin slowly dancing to the melody that suddenly appeared. It was Lyra, that means Lucy's here! We continue swaying to the music, a moment I'll never forget. I'm dancing with the man I love at a place that would take place in my dreams, the music. It's so peaceful.


He stops us and then goes down on one knee, taking a small box out of his pocket. He opens the box. The most gorgeous ring I have ever seen was shown, it was my dream ring.

"You are the most captivating girl I have ever seen. You're always there for your family and friends and work so hard so that we would be fed and amused. You're an angel. I have loved you ever since I first laid my eyes on you. Mirajane Strauss, will you make me the luckiest man by marrying me?"

"Is this happening?" I start tearing up.

"This is the real deal."

"Yes, Laxus Dreyar. Of course, I'll marry you!"

Laxus' face lit up when I said yes. He puts the ring on my finger and swoops me up bridal style. He started crying as well. We then kiss until Laxus pulls out.

"We did it, everyone!"

The Fairy Tail guild and our alliances jump out of their hiding spots! Everybody was cheering and all happy. This was the best thing that could happen to me. I'm getting married to the boy who took my virginity, then starts dating someone else, to friendly guildmates, my sex buddy, and was the father of my child. He's going to be my husband. And I'm going to be his wife.

 And I'm going to be his wife

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