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Juvia POV

I was crying in my room. My wedding is canceled because of a blizzard.

Knock. Knock.

"Juves?" A man's voice spoke.

"Gajeel, it's over. Father?"

"Hey, Juves. How are you?"

"Well, my wedding got canceled because of a blizzard."

"Yeah, I heard. He's a good man."

"Gray? Of course."

"You look beautiful, sweetie."

"Thank you. Do you remember when Mother sang me that song every time something bad happened?"

"Ah, yes. Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. Your mother loved that song."

"I wish she was here sometimes. I still hate her for leaving us."

"I do, too, but from the time I've had. I learned that you can't be mad at someone for doing something that makes them happy. I saw your mother with her new partner. She was happy, and I knew I couldn't do anything to stop that."

"You're right. Thanks, Father."

"And something tells me you're getting married today no matter what."

Cana rushes in. "Juvia! Get ready because you're getting married in two hours!"


"The wedding takes place at South Park Gate at 4 pm."

"I- uh- okay. Thank you?"

"This wedding is happening, people!" And Cana leaves.

"And I was right."

"I missed you, Dad."

"I missed you too, Juves. Come here," He pulled me into a hug. Gray walks in.


"Oh! You're not supposed to see me until the wedding!"

"I think we already had enough bad luck. I just wanted to see you, and wow- you look gorgeous."

"Thanks. I can't believe this is happening."

"I can't wait. I love you."

"I love you too."

Wedding time...

Gray POV

It's time. The wedding began. I walked down the aisle and stood at the parlor. Master Makorav was ministering the wedding.

"I can't believe this day is happening," He told me.

"What do you mean?"

"I never knew you had the guts to marry someone."

"Thanks, Gramps."

The music plays. Gajeel and Natsu walked down the aisle. They were purposely shoving each other. Meredy and Erza walked up next. Everyone stood up. Juvia walks down the aisle with her father. They reach the parlor, and he kisses her cheek.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser. I met Gray when he was a wee little boy. He suffered many losses before joining Fairy Tail. I never knew he could marry such a wonderful girl to this day. It surprises me even more that he's a father. Juvia joined Fairy Tail when her former guild disbanded. I knew you had the potential to be something extraordinary. It is in my honor to be the one ministering for you guys. Do you, Gray, take Juvia to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

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