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April 5, X795

Cassandra POV

After our wedding on October 14, I got pregnant during our honeymoon. I'm 25 weeks pregnant with twins, and I am currently delivering Lucy's twins. She and Natsu will have three kids after this! I felt bad for Lucy. If this is what she wants, I can't do anything about that.

"Okay, Lucy. I need you to push harder. Wendy, get the table ready." I ordered Wendy.

"Got it, Dr. Dreyar-Clive."

"I know it hurts Lucy, but I need you to push harder."

"I CAN'T. NATSU, CAN'T YOU DO IT FOR ME?" Lucy cries in pain.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I wish I could. You did this before. You can do it again. Give it the Lucy kick." Natsu tries comforting Lucy.


"One more push, Lucy. One more!" I yell.


A crying, bloody baby comes into my arms. I gave it to Wendy to clean the baby and hand it to Natsu.

"Congratulations on your baby girl!"

"You did it, Lucy! Now, one more time!" Natsu consoled.

"Okay, push."

Lucy was grasping the bar beside her bed with one hand as hard as she could. Her other hand was crushing Natsu's hand.


"I'm sorry, Lucy. This baby is in a more difficult position. You're going to have to push harder."


"As you wish. Wendy,"

"Already on it."

Lucy leaned forward so Wendy could give her the epidural shot.

"We're almost done, Lucy. Two more, and you get to hold your kids."

"Natsu, if anything happens, tell the kids I love them. And I love you, always and forever."

"Lucy, you're not going to die."

"You never know, but tell them."

"I assure you, I will not let you die on my table," I declare.

"One more push, Lucy!" Natsu encouraged.

There it was.

"Great job, Lucy. Congratulations, Natsu and Lucy, on your baby boy."

"The-they're beautiful. Welcome to Fairy Tail- Layla and Jude." Lucy passed out.

"B.P. is dropping!" Wendy notified.

"Crap, she's hemorrhaging!"

"She's what?!" Natsu shouts.

"Natsu, I'm sorry. But you're going to have to leave. Nurse! Please take Natsu and the babies into the waiting room."

We rushed Lucy into an operating room. She was losing way too much blood.

Narrator POV :0

Natsu was watching over his newborn babies, Layla and Jude. He was praying to all of the gods to let Lucy live. He can't live without her after all those years it took to get together. They planned a whole future together since their firstborn, Nasha, was conceived.

Cassandra knew that if Lucy died on her table, Natsu would never forgive her. It would be the death of her. Poor Lucy, having to give birth to three kids. They were planning on having seven kids. Lucy might not be able to have more kids after this...

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