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February 2, X794

Wendy POV

'Look how fat and flat she is.'

'Ugh, I hate know-it-alls.'

'She's so ugly. Does she even own a mirror?'

'She's such a crybaby.'

'How pathetic, a sky dragon-slayer.'

'Look at her- she's a suckup to the Fairy Tail mages. Calling Natsu her "older brother." She's so pathetic and nothing without the guild.'

Thoughts play in my head as I toss and turn in my bed. My stomach was growling from hunger. I haven't eaten today, and I'm not planning to for another day. There are many ways to lose fat, and I do all of them. I exercise, jog a mile, eat fewer meals, and only eat salads and purge. I do everything to make my boobs bigger because I'm flat. What else can I do? All the women in Fairy Tail are gorgeous, and then there's me- a pathetic Wendy Marvell. All the models I see in Sorcerer Magazine- especially Mirajane and Kagura make me self-conscious about myself.

I know, it's silly. You're beautiful just the way you are. But I can't help it. When I look at myself in the mirror, I'm not satisfied. I'm ugly compared to the other girls. Not many girls have blue hair or pigtails like me. I get made fun of all the time. My classmates hate that I'm smart. They always call me a know-it-all and make rumors about me. I know I'm a member of Fairy Tail, but I always feel weak.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring

Ugh, I didn't sleep at all. It was another day of school. I wonder what my classmates have in store for me today. I changed into my outfit and walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning!" Levy says to me.

"Good morning..."

I sighed and sat down in the kitchen.

"I made you some breakfast. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't want to go to school."

I began eating the meal she cooked for me.

"How come?"

"I couldn't sleep last night because I'm worried about this big school test," I lied.

"I'm sure you'll ace it. You're the smartest person I know for your age group."

"Thanks. How's the baby?"

"Pretty great! We're keeping the gender as a surprise."

"That's nice. I hope it's a girl."

"So do I."

"Have you thought of any names?"

"No, not yet. Maybe you could suggest some?"



"I'll think of some. I have to go now. Thanks for breakfast. Bye!"

"Good luck on the test!"

I exited Fairy Hills and walked to school. I didn't tell anyone about the bullies. I consider Levy to be one of my best friends. She calls us the "blue twins" and calls me her "mini-me." She's always there for me and always helps me if needed.

I skipped lunch since I couldn't eat. Shoot! I ate breakfast. I went to the restroom to stick my fingers down my throat. I threw up my breakfast and headed outside; I needed fresh air. The class was about to start, so I went back inside.

"Look who we have here. Miss Wendy Marvell," A girl's voice spoke.

"Did the sky dragon-slayer have to breathe?" Another joked.

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