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Narrator POV

It is year X797, and Lucy is pregnant with twins. Natsu and Lucy is almost there. They have six children so far. Nasha is almost five years old, Layla and Jude just turned four, and Igneel is two.

It is February 27, X797. The day Lucy and Natsu's twins are born. Every time Lucy gives birth, poor luck hits them. Lucy wasn't sure if she should've had Nasha. Layla and Jude almost killed her during delivery. And Natsu and Lucy almost died after Igneel's delivery. This time was probably the most traumatic one.

Natsu POV

Lucy is giving birth to our twins today! I had to leave Nasha, Layla, Jude, and Igneel at home with Juvia and Gray babysitting them. Good luck to them.

I took Lucy to the hospital, where Dr. DC was checking her.

"Alright, it looks like you're two centimeters dilated. I will be right back."

"Take your time."

Cassandra leaves the room, and Lucy talks to me.

"Hey, can you get me some food? And can you check on the kids? Gray and Juvia are probably having sex."

"Are you sure? You're in labor."

"I'll be fine. Besides, I'm only two centimeters dilated."

"Okay, I will be as quick as I can."

I leave the room to get her food. A part of me feels like I shouldn't leave Lucy alone, but she's in a hospital. If she gets hurt, she'll be treated by the doctors.

Lucy POV

It's been an hour since Natsu left. I was getting comfy in my bed for the last time until Wendy came rushing in. She slammed the door behind her and was hyperventilating.

"What's wrong, Wendy?" I ask her. "Did something happen?"

"Laxus' dad is back. He's shooting people in the hospital. He has gone insane. Cassandra told me to come to you because you were having babies."

"And I would be making a lot of noise."

"The hospital is on lockdown. No one can get in or out."

"Wendy, you need to give me an emergency C-Section."

"What? No. I haven't been doing obstetrics for a while. And besides, the babies would cause attention."

"I'll attract Ivan if I give birth naturally with all the contractions and the delivery. The babies will cause noises anyway. Don't you have tools in the rooms?"

"What? In here? I don't think so."

"We have no choice, Wendy."

"We can wait for Dr. Cassandra."

"I don't think she's coming anytime soon. You have to do this, and I believe in you."

"I can't."

"It's just like riding a bike. You're the most capable mage I know. I never have to doubt you."

Wendy took a deep breath and started looking for supplies. Carla comes in to help. She was able to sneak in to help with the delivery. They prepped me for the C-Section, and Carla gave me an epidural.

"Okay, are you ready?" Wendy asks me.

"I'm all fired up."

"Okay, scalpel."

Wendy starts cutting into me. She pulls out a baby girl, and then a boy. She handed them to Carla to clean them.

"Oh my gosh, they're so beautiful."

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