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Laxus POV

A few days after the miscarriage...

Mirajane had a heart attack and was pregnant- with my baby. I couldn't believe it. How long has it been since she was expecting? Was she ever going to tell me? I was sitting at the bar with Cana.

"I still can't believe it."

"I mean, it was kinda obvious."

"What. You knew?!"

"Did you not see her bump or enormous breasts? You had sex with her in the storage room when she had it. You are blind."

"I don't know these things! How am I supposed to know?"

"Mirajane is a model. Pregnancy is common sense. Bigger belly, nausea, mood swings. Ring a bell?"

I thought about all the times I was with Mira. That must've been why she threw up in my closet.

"Pensavo che tu l'amassi. Non ha nemmeno notato i suoi improvvisi cambiamenti di aspetto. Sei un idiota." Cana murmured.

"Hey. I might not know Italian, but I heard the idiota part."

"Well, you are an idiota."

"I guess I am. Wait, I should be making her feel better. What am I doing here talking to you?"

"I don't know, you tell me. Now shoo, torture her with your silly questions."

I rolled my eyes at her and trod to the infirmary. I saw Mirajane lying in bed. She looked miserable. Maybe I should get her a teddy bear.

"Hey, you," Mira says.


I went to her bedside and sat beside her.

"Laxus..." she moans. "You can ask."

"How long were you pregnant?"

"I was 12 weeks pregnant. It was the first time we hooked up in the guild hall."

"Were you planning to keep the baby?"

"Of course."

"Were you gonna tell me."

"When the baby was old enough to remember things."

"Why did you get a heart attack?"

"I don't know. I've been anxious ever since you went on the job with Cana. Even when you guys told me you didn't like each other. Your father's guild captured me. I was stuck in Flare's hair. She was burning me every time I made a movement or sound. And your dad created an illusion of you and Cana getting married. I couldn't speak. Nothing would come out of my mouth. Cana was pregnant in the illusion, and that scared me. I had a heart attack in real life, so I was able to snap out of the mirage. I used my Saton Soul Magic to defeat Raven Tail. My magical energy was draining rapidly because of the baby. I sent the signal before I passed out. And the rest is history."

"So, it was because of Cana?"

"I guess? I don't know."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"I don't know. I feel like I failed the baby."

I got upset with that comment. She looked like she was going to cry. I lay down with her in bed. I gave her butterfly kisses on her right shoulder, then escalated it to her neck. Once I reached her face, we gazed at each other. We kissed until Mirajane pulled away.

"Laxus. I don't want to be just sex buddies anymore. I thought there wouldn't be any feelings involved, but it was all about my feelings for you. When I was pregnant, I didn't tell anybody. I didn't want to mess up our friendship. The miscarriage made me realize that I don't want to be just a sex buddy. I want to be yours."

I look at her in shock. There was a few moments of silence before Mirajane talked again.

"You don't want to be with me, of course. I'm sorry, you should go now."

"Be mine."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Mira...I never liked Cana. It was always you. I never forgot about your sweet 16. The reason why I didn't attend your birthday party was because I was afraid that I'd do something stupid. I knew this party meant everything to you, especially after Lisanna 'died.' I freaked out. After we hooked up, I had a panic attack; nobody was there to calm me down. I could've hurt you. I pretended nothing happened because I thought I didn't deserve you."

"You remembered this whole time?"

"Of course. The reason why I started dating Cana was because I was afraid of falling for you. I love you, Mirajane Strauss. I loved you ever since we met. The day you joined the guild, my eyes were set on you. I knew you were the one. I love you."

"I love you too, Laxus."

We kiss each other as girlfriends and boyfriends. We stopped when Cana started freaking out.

"Oh mio Dio. Il mio desiderio si è avverato! Miraxus confermato! Tempi felici, tempi felici. Ragazzi, vi sposerete? Bambini? Luna di miele? Immagino sia il mio turno di essere il sensale del diavolo. Ho bisogno di un drink, aspetta, non posso farlo. Oh, sono così felice per voi ragazzi! Awh, ora sono geloso. Vorrei poter avere quello che avete voi ragazzi. PER FAVORE, LASCIAMI ESSERE LA TUA DAMIGLIA D'ONORE. Oh mio Dio. Questo sta realmente accadendo."

"Did you understand anything she said?" I ask Mira.

"I only understood marriage, kids, and honeymoon."

Cana continued ranting in Italian until I had enough.

"Cana. English. Please."

"RIGHT. MY BAD. I can't believe you guys are official after so many years! I'm so happy for you guys."

"Aw, Grazie bellezza." Mira says.

"Thank you for everything, Cana," I tell her.

"I'm just glad everything worked out between you two."

Cana POV

I'm so proud of Laxus and Mirajane. They finally confessed to each other. Mirajane inspired me to talk to Gray about how I got an abortion with his child. I went back to the guild and searched for Gray. He was with Juvia.

"Hey, Gray. Can I talk to you? Privately?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll be back, Juvia." He leaves his table and walks to sit at the bar with me. "What's-"

"I got an abortion."


"Sorry, let me restate that again. I was pregnant with your child when we were 15. I got an abortion because I wasn't ready to be a mom. Hope you understand."

Gray, the ice wizard, froze.

"Yeah, I messed things up. I'll leave you be"

Gray pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who killed your fetus child and didn't tell you till years later."

"I'm sorry I put you into that situation. And neglecting you."

"Oh. Do you think we could've worked out back then?"

"We could've. We would've been good together."

"We would have been good together. But you have Juvia."

"But I have Juvia. She may be my true love, but you'll always be my soulmate."

"You'll always be my soulmate also. You better watch out. I see the way Juvia looks at me." I joke.

It seemed my sarcastic joke scared Gray. Am I a Love Rival for everyone? Oh no.

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